
Do you know about dipladenia? Here are all the tips for growing it also on your balcony

By Lesia

Find a bright location for it, water it often in summer and prune it in autumn.  Three simple tips for taking care of your dipladenia, a climbing plant native to Central American countries that can also be grown on the balcony of the house.

Gaia Cortese • March 17, 2021

  1. GREEN 
  2. NATURE 

Recognized by its flowers in a campana tile tonalità white, pink and red, the  dipladenia  is an  ornamental flower  belonging to the family of Apocinaceae and originating from the Country of Central America. It is a  rampicante floor , used for abbellire terraces and balconies, pergolati and gardens. This is a quasi-due hundred variety of  dipladenia , or  mandevilla , some of which are more than indicated to be coltivate in the apartment like the  dipladenia rosea , but also other sounds more suitable to be coltivate all’esterno like the  dipladenia williamsii .

In any case,  the cura di questa pianta è mto simplice , purché la si innaffi con regolarità nella stagione più calda, guarantendole una position luminosa et temperature miti.

Come and collect the dipladenia

Characteristics of the pianta

The  dipladenia  is not so distinguished solo per i  flower in the shape of campana  and slab dimensioni generose (also 5 cm in diameter), but also for the foglie of a green lucido intense, che non passano inosservate. Consider its origin, do not forget that this piece is a true one and owns a  tropical  ornamentata of magnificent flowers and che, fornendole il giusto sostegno, possa abbellire un angolo del giardino o del terrazzo di casa.

Climate and position

The dipladenia appreciates the  mite climate  and does not tolerate temperatures that are too low or too high. The ideal temperature in the kitchen will rise if it rises to 21°C, so this is why we protect it in the shade if the climate tends to be hot. Never in the winter, please ensure that the temperature is maintained at a temperature between 10 and 14°C, illuminated by natural light, in a warm light from Freddo. The  best position  in this room may be linked to a  bright area , whether inside or outside the house, secondly to the temperature and temperature.

Land and Concimazione

The  ideal soil  for the sviluppo di questa pianta rampicante is a  mixture of terra da giardino, torba, sabbia and foglie . The important thing is that the soil is rich in organic matter, and in various ways it can aggiungere dell’humus or concimare in primavera and in estate.

When to innaffiarla

La dipladenia deve essere innaffiata spesso, soprattutto in estate. If there is an emergency and the other person is on the ground, if you are too concerned about the floor it can be safely tolerated for a short period of time. To guarantee the humidity, you can put the sun in the light and  vaporize the fog with water  in a while.


The flowering period of the  dipladenia  corresponds to the  late start  and the buona notizia è che i flowery continuano a svilupparsi fino all’arrivo dell’autunno. Assicurati di sizionare la panta en un luogo fresco nel periodo invernale, para alimentación de una bounte de floritura nella bella stagione.


The dipladenia must be  potata in the autumn season , in full vegetative ripos. Potare la pianta contributorisce a favorite lo sviluppo laterale di rami, foglie e flowers, otre che per dare la mama desiderata alla pianta stessa.

Problems and malattia

If you note that the fog of your dipladenia  begins to be ingested  and its sound returns to the piccoli point, it may mean that it hits the  red ragnet , an acaro that can be diverted also if it does not intervene temporarily with a specific product. Another intervention that can  increase the humidity of the room  perched by the owner of the aria has favored the proliferation of this acaro.

It is noted that the  macchie biancastre , probably the attack arrives from the  cocciniglia cottonosa  which can be caused by a batuffolo of cotton intriso of  denatured alcohol  or with a specific insecticid if the infestation is this one.

If brown spots  appear  , perhaps the plant has been underwatered or exposed to direct sunlight.  Also pay attention to  drooping leaves  : if this happens during the colder season, it could be a  temperature problem  (too low), so move the plant to a more sheltered location.