
We are constantly gaining weight, feeling sick and without energy

By Lilia

How to overcome fatigue, lack of energy and weight gain: Helpful tips and solutions.

Maybe you usually use this spice in your food and it is definitely worth trying this useful and healthy drink as well. 

The main ingredient is turmeric , which has been well known in natural medicine for centuries.

Regular consumption of this spice can greatly improve your health. 

You can learn more about this simple drink for health thanks to an online health portal for women

The active ingredient is curcumin, a powerful antioxidant that is responsible for the distinctive yellow or orange color of this spice. 

If you see an E100 label on a food, know that it is curcumin and it is definitely not harmful, on the contrary.

Golden milk

Pour warm milk into the glass, but it should not be very hot. 

It doesn’t have to be cow’s milk, it can be almond milk. 

Then add one tablespoon of turmeric. 

Now add a pinch of ground black pepper. 

Stir the milk continuously to dissolve the spices well.

Now add one tablespoon of good quality honey to the milk and stir until the honey dissolves. 

Drink immediately after mixing. 

Don’t put it off for later and always drink it fresh. 

It is best to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. 

If for some reason you don’t want to use milk, you can also use water. 

Why mix ground black pepper in milk with turmeric?

The reason is very simple.

Turmeric is better absorbed in the presence of spices.

So, if you want to take full advantage of the health benefits of turmeric, combine it with black pepper. 

Add 1 teaspoon ground black pepper to 1/2 cup turmeric powder and mix well.

What are the health benefits

When used in this way, turmeric perfectly cleans the intestines , liver , blood and the whole organism. 

Regulates body weight and metabolism well.

Therefore, this drink is also suitable for weight loss . 

It can also have a positive effect on mood. 

Strengthens immunity and has an antiviral and antibacterial effect. 

It has a beneficial effect on the heart because it lowers cholesterol . 

Turmeric also works against flatulence, improves digestion and has the ability to reduce joint pain . 

Golden honey

Turmeric can also be consumed in the following way.

Mix 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder in 100 g of honey.

Take 3 days in a row. 

When you put the golden honey in your mouth, wait a while for it to dissolve on your tongue before swallowing. 

Using high quality turmeric and high quality honey will contribute to maximum health effects. 

It is also used against colds and to strengthen immunity. 

Gold face mask

This mixture of turmeric and honey can not only be eaten but also used on the face as a mask. 

Since turmeric has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and is an excellent natural antioxidant, all this allows its successful use in various skin problems. 

It is used against acne on the face , it can reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin. 

Reduces skin redness.

The turmeric mask is applied to the affected part of the skin and left on for 20 minutes. 

Then rinse well with cold water. 

The turmeric mask is also used for cosmetic purposes to rejuvenate the face. 

It slows down the formation of wrinkles and improves the elasticity and softness of the skin. 

Much health!

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