
Cherry twigs against kidney stones, liver, hypertension, swelling, arthritis, gout, diabetes

By Lesia

What are the benefits of cherry tea?

Cherry has long been used in folk medicine as a natural remedy for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. 

However, not only fruits have useful properties, but also  branches of the plant, which contain a wide range of mineral components and vitamins. 

How and where cherry twigs are used and what are their medicinal functions – further in  the article.

Chemical composition of cherry branches

The healing power of cherry twigs is their balanced composition, which is represented by:

vitamins: group B, ascorbic acid, A, E and PP;

organic and inorganic acids;





Mineral composition: Fe, Mg, K, P, Ca, Na, Zn.

It also contains glycosides, flavonoids, catechins. 

This unique, harmoniously balanced composition allows you to use plant twigs as a natural means of saturating  the body with vitamins and minerals.

Healing properties of cherry twigs for the body

Cherry twigs are a unique supplier of active biological components, micro- and macroelements necessary for normal human life.

They have high healing properties that have a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body:

activate immune processes, strengthen the immune system, increase the body’s resistance to viruses and infections;

preventing the development of avitaminosis;

serve to prevent premature aging;

clean the kidneys, help normalize liver function;

stabilizes blood pressure;

strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make them stronger and more elastic;

have a diuretic effect;

normalization of the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the gastrointestinal tract;

acceleration of metabolic processes;

fight against various inflammations, especially in arthritis, gout;

serve as a safe disinfectant for the mouth and pharynx;

tones, restores vitality, allows quick recovery after training.

Cherry branches, from which tea or infusion is made, help with colds, flu, inflammation of the respiratory tract. 

They have the ability to quickly inject excess fluid,  which helps to cleanse the body, reduce swelling and lose extra pounds. 

It is very useful to use the product for expectant mothers, as it is  an excellent supplier of folic acid, necessary for the proper development of the baby’s nervous system.

For women, regular consumption of the drink makes it possible to normalize the menstrual cycle, eliminate uterine bleeding, and improve the functioning of  the reproductive system. 

Children over 12 years of age, the tea is given for colds and flu. 

It has a mild antipyretic effect, increases the body’s resistance to various  viruses and infections, helps to quickly overcome the disease and restore strength.