
How to regulate glucose in type 2 diabetes, tried and tested recipes

By Lilia

Most often, the disease affects people after 40 years as a result of improper nutrition.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the endocrine system manifested by a deficiency of insulin , a hormone of the pancreas , the production of which is either completely stopped or appears in a smaller volume for the normal maintenance of the body’s life, which leads to serious disorders of the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The first type of diabetes is insulin-dependent – ​​the body does not produce insulin or it is too little. Patients receive synthetic insulin for life.

The second type is non-insulin dependent. The insulin produced in the body is sufficient, but the cells do not recognize it. 

Such patients do not take insulin, but eliminate the need for it – as far as they can. The means here are carbohydrate-free nutrition and preparations for reducing blood sugar .

Top tried and tested recipes for diabetes

Home and folk recipes are aimed at the levels of sugars in the blood (glucose, blood sugar) – they help to reduce the amount so that the hormone insulin does not have to work.

Diabetes treatment with cinnamon

Cinnamon is at the forefront of home remedies for normalizing blood sugar .  Ceylon cinnamon shows antidiabetic properties , while Chinese cinnamon is not suitable for the purpose. 

The spice is important for prevention and also for patients suffering from obesity

The standard dose for a diabetic is half a teaspoon of the spice per day – this amount is optimal for the natural limitation of sugars. 

In addition, it also affects the fatty substances in the bloodstream – cholesterol and triglycerides.

Yogurt with cinnamon for diabetes . 

The dairy product enhances the effect of the spice and makes it convenient to take in powdered form. 

It is enough to put the daily dose of ½ spoon in a glass of milk and mix.

Lemon and cinnamon for diabetes. 

Another form of daily intake of cinnamon is as a drink based on milk, fruit or vegetable juice. 

In a blender, beat the selected base, the dose of ½ tsp. cinnamon, 2-3 tbsp. lemon juice. Further additions are to taste. The presence of chia, flax seed, spinach, small berries is useful;

Wheat and cinnamon. 

Boiled wheat is an alternative breakfast for diabetes . The portion is about 150 g. Add the standard ½ tsp. cinnamon. 

The wheat is boiled for 1 hour, until it is perfectly soft. Then chew slowly. No other supplements are needed.

Celery and lemons

Celery is a useful and tasty remedy for diabetes. It is a depot for vitamins and trace elements. 

It is useful fresh and in decoction. Tea and broth are made from the fresh leaves and roots, juice is squeezed from the whole vegetable, it is added to salads, soups and dishes, it is excellent pureed as a side dish.

Leaf tea recipe: boil 20 g of celery leaves with 200 ml for 20 min., strain and take 3 X 60 ml.

For diabetics, a fresh salad of celery, alabash, carrot, apple, cabbage seasoned with lemon is recommended.

Activated carbon

The preparation in tablets or powder is used for cleansing and detox. It removes a lot of dirt from the stomach, helps with intestinal pathologies. 

Diabetes is not a contraindication for using the tablets, but there is a prescription for caution. This applies to anyone on a low-carb diet.

Mastic for diabetes or medicinal gum?

Mastic (mastic) is a tree resin. It is added to the mastic and chewed, it is called medicinal gum. 

It has an antibacterial effect, removes pain and inflammation, the oils in it are an excellent antiseptic for the digestive tract. 

It closes wounds, which is helpful for diabetics with complications. Improves blood flow and cell nutrition.

For diabetics, mastix is ​​recommended for the direct purpose of lowering blood sugar . 

For this purpose, tea is brewed from the resin and drunk in courses of 20-30 days. The addition of sugar-lowering herbs and diuretics such as corn silk, celandine and others, which we will discuss below, is also useful.

Herbs for diabetes

There are hundreds of herbs that make life easier for diabetics.

Equally curative for diabetes and obesity

Their mechanism of action is of three types:

Herbs with insulin-like ingredients that stimulate the pancreas and reduce blood sugar. Here enter about 300 species, all for the second type of diabetes and useless for the first type;

Herbs – biostimulators that help the body to contain the disease. They affect metabolism, organs and general condition.;

Herbs for weight reduction – an important point for diabetics.

A few grandmother’s recipes for reducing blood sugar:

Rosehip , juniper, chicory , shepherd’s bag and mint in equal parts. From the sum we take 2 tsp. for one dose – 300 ml of water. Boil in a thermos for 3 hours. The tea is drunk 8-10 times, in sips;

Burdock root , vine leaf, rose hip, dandelion , mint in equal quantities. From the sum we take 2 tsp. per dose – 300 ml of water. Boil in a thermos for 3 hours. The tea is drunk 4 X 70 ml;

Parsley , spinach, fennel, garlic and oats in equal quantities. We take 2-3 tbsp of the mixture. and infuse for 2 hours in 300-400 ml. 

Tea strengthens the protective properties of the body and protects against infections. The recipe is suitable for both types of diabetes;

Nettle , flax seeds, mulberry leaf , bay leaf , dandelion in equal quantities. Boil 2 tbsp. of the sum in 300 ml of water for 3 hours. 

Tea is relevant for the second type of diabetes , and those with the first type can drink it to strengthen immunity;

Blackberry, field horsetail, dandelion root, corn cob , chamomile in equal quantities. 2-3 tsp. brew the mixture in a thermos with 300 ml of water. These herbs support the health of the lungs, kidneys, etc. internal organs.

Chicory powder in fresh milk. Heat the milk and add ½ tsp. instant chicory + honey and cinnamon.

White mistletoe and diabetes

The herb is taken to improve the functioning of the pancreas, which produces insulin. 

It is prepared in alcohol – tincture, such as 3 tbsp. the leaves are immersed in 0.5 l of vodka or brandy. The mixture stays for 7-10 days in a room closed to light, preferably at low T°C.

The dose for diabetics is 3 X ½ tsp.

More useful herbs for diabetes are indrishe, purslane , nettle, marsh yarrow. 

Zablek and rice

Another grandmother’s remedy for blood sugar is the combination of tea from the herb zablek (wild salkamche) and boiled rice without spices. Both agents noticeably reduce glucose levels.

Zablek in nature and in pharmacies

Apple tea is made at a ratio of 1 tsp. chopped stem per 200 ml of water. The dose is 3 X 70 ml. 

Together with this, clean boiled rice is eaten, which is first roasted in a pan, then poured with water and boiled. The dose is 2 tbsp. rice per 200 ml of water. It’s not tampered with.

Other grandmother’s recipes

Nuts and brandy. 

20 walnuts and 20 indrishe leaves are added to 500 ml of brandy . Nuts are in their shells, just break into pieces. 

The tincture is made as standard – in the cold and dark, for 15-20 days. The single dose is 20 ml, drink once upon waking up;

Rosehip tea. 

Pour 1 teaspoon of fruit into an enamel pot with 500 ml of water and boil. You have to simmer on low heat for about 15 minutes or in a water bath for 30-40 minutes, the goal is for the decoction to become saturated. 

It is easier to infuse in a thermos with a quantity of 60 g of dry fruit per 1 l, let it stand for 3 hours. This drink is highly vitamin-rich;

Hazel leaves. 

Hazel is the tree that bears hazelnuts. If you find one, tear off 10 leaves, wash them and cut them. They are scalded with 500 ml of water and neck for 1-2 minutes. The liquid is drunk constantly, without dosing;

Thyme . 

2 tbsp. dry stem is scalded with 200 ml, boiled for 1 minute and infused for 1 hour. To strengthen immunity, honey, viburnum fruit are added or fresh viburnum juice is poured into the tea. 

For diabetic cataracts, mix 1 tsp. dried and grated thyme with 1 tsp. honey For skin ulcers due to the progression of diabetes, 15 g of stalk is boiled for 5 minutes and steamed for 2 hours. Apply compresses;

Bay leaf. 

10 leaves are scalded in 0.5 l of water. The vessel should be well steamed by wrapping it in a blanket or pouring the liquid into a thermos. The dose is 100 ml of the tea, for 14 consecutive days;


Fresh ginger root tea or juice . Initially, the piece of cleaned root is soaked in water and cut into small pieces. For tea it is brewed in a thermos, for juice it is strained through cheesecloth. The dose for tea is the standard, but the juice is taken 2 X ½ tsp;

Fig leaf tea . 

It is recommended for diabetics with heart and skin complications. Only the leaves are used, the fruits are too sugary. 2 tsp dry leaves are scalded with 200 ml for 20 minutes and the tea is drunk.

Recipes to lower high blood sugar

Values ​​are clearly affected when switching to a healthy lifestyle – with quality plant-based food, lots of movement and fresh air. It is necessary to reduce weight and improve immunity in general.

A portion of 200 g of gulia daily serves to control sugar. And here are more recipes.

Lowering blood sugar with vinegar

It is used in the second type. The daily dose is 3 tbsp. from apple. It is drunk against inflammatory processes, for treatment and against exacerbations. 

It must be diluted – about 1 tbsp. per 200 ml, and must be taken after a meal because it irritates the mucous membranes.

Lower blood sugar with lemon

Fruit acids are great for diabetes. The daily consumption of sour and sweet vinegar is recommended. fruits. 

In first place is the lemon, but other citrus fruits, small stoneless ones, some tropical ones like pineapple and kiwi, also apples, cherries, peaches and apricots are not excluded.

For a more concentrated charge, the following remedy is also made: an egg is beaten with the juice of a lemon and drunk immediately upon waking up. Drink for three days, rest for ten days. The egg is raw.

Chickpeas for lowering blood sugar

Chickpea consumption reduces the risk of hypertension, atherosclerosis and vascular accidents, protects against blood clots, improves blood quality, improves digestion and the functioning of all organs. Helps to lose weight, normalizes the endocrine system.

The dose of the so-called Turkish peas is 200 g daily for a healthy person and 150 g for diabetics. When consuming chickpeas, the amount of bread is reduced.

More blood sugar recipes

Olive pit decoction for diabetes. The recipe was proclaimed by the singer Vanya Kostova. It provides a daily intake of three olive pits. 

One way is to grind the pits into powder and eat them directly, the other way is to make a tea. 40 bones are boiled in 0.5 l of water until 0.2 l remain. The daily dose is 3 tsp;

White mulberry leaves for diabetes. Dried leaves are sold in pharmacies. The dose is 1 tsp, boiled in 200 ml for 5 minutes. It is drunk upon awakening;

Bonamida. Dimkov recommends it dried and in tea. Another folk recipe calls for the leaves to be cleaned of thorns, ground in a meat grinder and eaten mixed with something suitable, for example vinegar. milk;

Fennel seeds. Pour 1 tbsp into a thermos. seeds and scald them with 1 liter of water. After an hour, the tea is ready for consumption. The dose is free;

Nettle seed . The single dose is 2 tbsp. seeds ground to powder and mixed with vinegar. milk. Use as an emergency sugar-lowering agent;

Indrishe. It is beneficial for diabetics to chew an endrich leaf. The plant lowers sugar. It is also taken as a tea and tincture. For tincture you need 1 leaf per 100 ml, for tea – 3-4 leaves per 200 ml. The dose is 100 ml of tea and ½ tsp. tincture in 200 ml of water.

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