
A powerful detox compress to remove toxins

By Lilia

Detoxify the whole body with this compress

This is a very simple but incredibly effective method of removing toxins from the body. The removal of toxins occurs through the skin of the feet during sleep.

It is a type of compress that is fixed on the soles of the feet and remains in this position throughout the night. Why exactly on the feet? 

Because it promotes better blood circulation and lymph circulation.

Due to the polluted environment, improper nutrition, drugs, etc., many toxins accumulate in the body over time.

These toxins can cause various diseases, so it is important to always detoxify the whole body.

This detoxification is extremely effective and has a positive effect on the body: it improves mood, reduces joint pain, reduces swelling in feet, ankles, headaches and more.

This foot compress will detox your body and make you feel so much better!

There is good evidence that “acupuncture is effective in the treatment of a wide range of conditions, including back pain, toothache, headache, nausea after surgery and osteoarthritis of the knee”. David Derbyshire

2000 years later…

Acupuncture is still proving the skeptics wrong. If meditation is “exhibit A” for effective protection in traditional therapy, then acupuncture is “exhibit B”.

Despite the apparent skepticism of a minority of the medical community, some aspects of traditional medicine are proving beneficial.

Feet and acupuncture

You may be wondering what the connection is between detox foot patches and acupuncture?

Fair question. Short answer: “Important”

Research shows that acupuncture is effective, in part, because it improves the body’s autonomic nervous system. Detox foot patches work very precisely.

How to detox?

We’re going to skip the anatomy and physiology lesson, instead let’s talk a little about the mechanisms for leg patches.

Dr. Dietrich Klingard of the American Academy of Neurotherapy says:

“The main (effect) of the patches is to stimulate the liver and kidney meridians. 

They increase the metabolic activity of the liver and kidney cells, detoxify the blood and cleanse the body.”

The main mechanism of detoxification is reflexology detoxification – the traditional healing method that uses reflex points on the feet to activate certain areas of the body. 

Proponents of detox patches (and acupuncture) claim that these reflex points play a major role in improving health.

A significant part of society’s work culture is too much time spent sitting. The average employee spends a lot of time sitting. 

Of course, this leads to the fact that a person leads a sedentary lifestyle at home. It’s a bad cycle.

Such a sedentary lifestyle is not conducive to overall health. One of the reasons for this is that the habits of chair / bed life interfere with blood circulation.

When blood doesn’t flow properly, our entire body—tissues, muscles, cells, and organs—is adversely affected.

How to make detox foot patches at home and remove toxins?

Ingredients needed:

5 cloves of garlic

1 small onion

self-adhesive bandage, cotton swabs or bandage

cotton socks

Preparation and use:

Finely chop the garlic and onion, boil the water (100-120 ml), add the garlic and onion and cook for 3-5 minutes. 

Why do we cook garlic and onion for 3-5 minutes?

If you add them raw in the morning, the possibility of burning is huge. For this, they go through a light heat treatment. In this way, they do not lose their valuable properties.

Wait for the water to cool for about 20 minutes, strain, you can oil the foot beforehand, then put a small amount of the product on a cotton pad or bandage, put on the foot and secure with an adhesive bandage in the center of the foot and put on socks .

The next morning, remove the compress. You will see that the compress is dark because of the toxins that have left your body.

Apply this compress daily for the first week, then once a week for a month. You can repeat this course every 3-4 months.