
Immediate flowering in indoor and balcony plants

By Lesia

What is urea?

Urea is an organic chemical compound commonly found in many fertilizers. It is known for its ability to provide nitrogen to plants, thus promoting healthy growth.

Benefits of adding urea to indoor and balcony plants

By adding urea to the substrate of indoor and balcony plants, you can observe immediate flowering and better vegetative development. Urea is especially effective for those plants that require a quick boost in growth and flowering.

Aspects to consider when using urea

It is important to keep in mind that the use of urea should be moderate, since an excess of nitrogen can be harmful to plants. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s or specialized consulting instructions to determine the appropriate amount.

Forms of urea application

Urea can be applied in several ways:

  • Dissolution in water: You can dissolve urea in water and water the plants with this solution.
  • Mixing with the substrate: By mixing urea with the substrate, a controlled release of nitrogen is ensured over time.
  • Granulated fertilizer: There are granulated fertilizers that contain urea in their composition, which can be applied according to the instructions on the container.


In summary, urea can be an effective option to promote immediate flowering and vigorous growth in indoor and balcony plants. However, it is essential to use it with caution and following the recommendations to avoid possible damage to the plants.