
Boil 3 bay leaves with an ordinary apple: Salvation for respiratory diseases, stress and a bunch of other diseases

By Lilia

Apple and bay leaf.

Two ingredients that are often used in the kitchen and many do not even suspect what healing power they have together. 

Bay leaves are mainly used to season various sauces and soups.

But it can be much more.

In combination with an apple, according to Alexis Tejeda, it improves vision, reduces inflammation and relieves pain. 

Regular consumption of this drink relieves joint inflammation.

It also regulates blood circulation.

It helps with migraines.

Strengthens the immune system.

Helps fight respiratory diseases.

The apple contains antioxidants with an anti-inflammatory effect.

And this tea is also rich in vitamin C, which is why it is also excellent for flu and colds. 

Thanks to the soluble pectin fibers in the peel, it very effectively reduces bad cholesterol.

Therefore, the apple should not be peeled.

By consuming this drink, you will also strengthen your heart.

Bay leaf helps fight heart disease, reduces stress and blood pressure.

A study conducted by the Iran University of Medical Sciences found that bay leaves help reduce body fat and treat kidney stones. 

This drink is also suitable for diabetics and as a prevention against diabetes, as it regulates the level of sugar in the blood.

Another advantage of this drink is that it slows down the aging of cells. 

It is very useful for asthma, inflamed bronchi, and also improves brain function. 

Preparation of the drink

Always use dried bay leaves as fresh leaves can be toxic.

We need:

3 bay leaves

1 apple

1 liter of water

optional: cinnamon and honey


First wash the apple well.

Then we cut it into 4 parts and remove the core.

Cut it into smaller pieces.

Pour the water into the pot and let it boil.

Then add bay leaf, cinnamon and cook for 5 minutes.

Finally, add the apple, remove from heat and leave covered for 10 minutes.

Strain the finished drink through a strainer, add honey and drink one glass in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before going to bed.

But never more than 2 weeks, after which you should take a break.