
A healing method for lowering cholesterol and clearing plaque from the lung with 1 onion

By Lilia

Pink miracle against cough, sick bronchi and immunity from the famous Lucia Guardado. 

Take 1 spoon a day and feel relief – the best remedy for lung and respiratory problems, but also for high cholesterol, high blood pressure and strengthening immunity.

The recipe comes to help deal with the mucus in your lungs and clear the lungs of smokers.

You also have everything you need to cook at home in your kitchen.

Pink miracle against cholesterol and mucus in the lungs

You need:

1 medium onion (red)

2 large garlic cloves

5 lemons

5 tablespoons of 100% honey


Cut the onion.

Add chopped garlic.

Add honey…

and lemon juice.

The base of the syrup is ready.

Cover and refrigerate until the next day.

Drain and the syrup is ready.

Use 1 tbsp 3 times a day. in case of illness.

As a prevention, always use in the morning and evening or at least once a day.