
Means against thinning BONES and the onset of OSTEOPOROSIS

By Lilia

As we age, our bones begin to thin and predispose us to osteoporosis. 

This is even more true in the case of menopausal women who no longer have the standard level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

The hormonal changes that occur in a menopausal woman’s body have important consequences for bones. 

For this reason, menopausal women are more prone to osteoporosis, a disease that leads to bone resorption and increases the risk of fractures.

Postmenopausal women’s bones begin to become more fragile, and as estrogen declines, calcium absorption in the digestive tract decreases.

The diagnosis of osteoporosis is official when a loss of 30-50% of the mineral bone is detected.

Natural remedies for osteoporosis

All the products listed here are beneficial against osteoporosis by slowing or preventing the aging process. 

They have nutritional properties, anti-inflammatory effects and a corticosteroid-like effect.

• Sea buckthorn oil

This product is very rich in antioxidants (beta-carotenes, polyphenols, vitamin E), vitamins D, F and K, calcium and magnesium, unsaturated fatty acids (gamma-linoleic acid) and other compounds with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

• Horsetail tincture

Horsetail is one of the best anti-aging herbs. Contains silicon, a mineral that helps strengthen bones. 

For this reason, some medical practitioners recommend this plant in the treatment of osteoporosis (thinning of the bones).

A study of 122 women showed that dried horsetail extract (alone or in combination with calcium) increased bone density. 

Dr. John Ray Christopher, a famous botanist, said that the silicon in horsetail is converted to calcium in the body. 

He uses this plant in a natural calcium formula along with oat straw and burdock root.

Swiss botanist Johann Kunzle recommends a cup of horsetail tea daily to relieve joint pain, rheumatic pain, and neuralgia.

Priest Sebastian Kneip said that this plant has very good results in osteoporosis and kidney and bladder diseases.

• Codliver oil

A recent study in mice at the University of Texas showed that increased dietary intake of Omega-3 supports bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Animals that received fish oil had a significant increase in bone mineral density. 

At the same time, there is a decrease in bone resorption and an increase in bone formation.

Fish oil is extracted from fatty fish tissues. 

Studies on polyunsaturated fatty acid intake, bone density and calcium balance in postmenopausal women have shown good results.

A study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition shows that the Omega-3 essential fatty acids in fish oil are beneficial for people with rheumatoid arthritis. 

Oily fish are the best sources of Omega-3: salmon, herring and sardines. 

Fish oil supplements also help relieve joint pain.

Other recommended supplements: spirulina and blackcurrant bud hemoderivative.


Osteoporosis can be positively affected if 2/3 of your menu is raw and you eat mostly vegetables, fruits, nuts, sprouts.

Sesame is very important because it is rich in biologically active calcium. Let it be ground to make it easier to digest, or in the form of sesame halva or tahini.

You can also make hummus – a delicious pate of boiled chickpeas, sesame, garlic, lemon, jojgen and olive oil.

Nuts are the kings in this case: almonds, pistachios, walnuts, but if you have osteoporosis, avoid peanuts.

Gladiators once had strong bones thanks to the silicon in their blood, and today you can achieve their strength with green leafy vegetables. 

In the morning, drink one vegetable fresh based on carrot juice, in which there is also spinach, nettle, horseradish, parsley, dill, fennel, basil, sorrel or whatever you have in the kitchen. 300-400 ml for the day will give you the important minerals. 

Remember that processed food gives acidity, and it breaks down bones.

Animal products swallow calcium, be especially careful with them!

From cooked foods, combine cereals and legumes. Collect recipes with chickpeas and oats. You can combine these products with corn and beans, soy and rice, lentils and rice, or corn. Stuffed peppers are perfect for you.

The algae Lithotamnion Calcareum is also useful, as well as ground hemp seed. 

You need more sun and movement – walking, dancing, running.

Micro shocks stimulate bone hardening.

Studies that indicate incipient osteoporosis

It is good to have the bone density done once a year when the bone density is thinning, but not to examine the bone density of a finger or hand, but of the spinal vertebrae and hip joints.

Tell your GP to run parathormone, beta cross lapse and alkaline phosphatase blood tests.

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