
Putting three sprigs of rosemary in a jar: the custom of our grandparents that did not deserve to be forgotten

By Lesia

If you want to know how to eliminate unpleasant odors at home, then you simply have to put three sprigs of rosemary in a jar: the custom of our grandparents that did not deserve to be forgotten.

Rosemary emits a fresh, clean aroma that can help mask unpleasant odors in the environment, leaving a feeling of freshness in the air.

The strong aroma of rosemary can act as a natural repellent against insects such as flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches, thus helping to keep the home free of pests that can cause bad odors.

Dried rosemary leaves can be mixed with other aromatic ingredients, such as citrus peels and spices, to create homemade potpourri that naturally perfumes the air and eliminates unwanted odors.

Putting three sprigs of rosemary in a jar: the custom of our grandparents that did not deserve to be forgotten

Nowadays we have a wide variety of products and solutions to combat bad odors in our homes and in this way we stop remembering and taking into account the great tricks and customs that our grandparents have taught us to keep environments fresh. and pleasant.

Sprigs of rosemary inside a jar to neutralize bad odors is one of the great tricks that have been lost in time.

Rosemary is a perennial aromatic plant of the Lamiaceae family, scientifically known as Rosmarinus officinalis. It is native to the Mediterranean region and is characterized by its narrow, resinous leaves, which have a strong aroma and a slightly bitter and minty flavor.

The refrigerator is a place prone to bad odors because foods sometimes release strong odors and can permeate other foods and at the same time affect the freshness of what we are keeping in the refrigerator.

Our grandmothers would place three branches of fresh rosemary inside a clean, dry jar and then place it on a shelf or in some corner of the refrigerator since rosemary releases its aroma, filling the interior of the refrigerator with its freshness and neutralizing all the bad smells.

Other benefits with this spectacular aromatic plant

  • Garden Pest Repellent: Planting rosemary around the garden can help repel unwanted insects such as mosquitoes, flies and ants, keeping your garden pest-free naturally.
  • Hair care: Making a rosemary infusion and using it as a final rinse after washing your hair can help strengthen it, promote growth and give it a natural shine.
  • Pet Deodorant: Placing a few sprigs of dried rosemary in your pet’s bed or resting area can help keep it smelling fresh and repel fleas naturally.
  • Closet freshener: Place cloth bags filled with dried rosemary leaves in your closets to keep clothes smelling fresh and keep moths and other insects away.
  • Mosquito repellent: Burning dried rosemary sprigs in a safe container or adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil to a diffuser can help repel mosquitoes and other flying insects in the home.
  • Relief from muscle pain: Preparing a rosemary infusion and applying it as hot compresses to painful areas can help relieve muscle and joint pain thanks to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of rosemary.
  • Surface Cleaning: Preparing a solution of water with a few drops of rosemary essential oil and using it to clean surfaces in the home can help disinfect and leave a fresh scent.