
Eliminate cockroaches forever: 3 infallible homemade traps

By Lesia

Surely it has happened to us at some point when we get up in the early morning and go to the kitchen for a glass of water, suddenly we find ourselves with one of the most undesirable and disgusting animals. Of course, we are referring to the cockroaches that appear in the darkness of our kitchen in search of food and we immediately think how to eliminate cockroaches forever.

Many think that they are harmless and we should let them live, but the reality is that they are very dangerous for our health. They can cause allergies, asthma and any respiratory problems.

Logically, the market offers a wide variety of very effective products to exterminate cockroaches forever, but they are also toxic.

As we well know, they are very fast and clever when it comes to going after them, however there are homemade tricks that we can use to combat them definitively.

Fortunately, there are home remedies or traps that we can use to eliminate cockroaches forever. Let’s look at 3 of these home solutions below:

3 Homemade traps or tricks that exterminate cockroaches forever

Trap 1:

  1. First of all, let’s choose and wash very well a glass bottle that we no longer use. Preferably the bottle should have a long neck, the idea is that the cockroaches do not climb it.
  2.  When it is dry, we fill it halfway with sugar water or even soda can be used.
  3. Then with our fingers we cover the mouth of the bottle with vegetable oil or Vaseline we can use.
  4. Next step, we place the bottle in a strategic place, that is, where the cockroaches hang out in the house.
  5. We only have to check the bottle every day and we can see how the cockroaches will be trapped inside.

Little by little we will exterminate these disgusting cockroaches, it is just a matter of trying this trick!

Trap 2:

  1. At night and before going to bed we can place pieces of adhesive tape in the kitchen or in places where cockroaches roam.
  2. We must make sure that the glue is facing up, if we use packaging tape much better.
  3. Also, a trick is to place a bait on the glue of the tape. It could be banana peel or even sweet bread.
  4. The key is that he doesn’t find a way to escape, he must stay stuck, whether going there or coming back.

Trap 3:

  1. We start using a wave pot and apply butter to the edge.
  2. Next we sprinkle a little flour over the entire area where the butter is .
  3. In the center of the pot we place a damp cloth with sugar water.
  4. Next step, we take the pot to a strategic place and then we will see how the cockroaches fall.

Let’s apply these homemade tricks without resorting to toxic products and exterminate cockroaches forever!