
How to remove yellowing from appliances

By Lilia

It is quite common to observe with the passage of time how our appliances take on a yellowish color, they really give an old appearance or an antique atmosphere.

However, we can do something to combat that unpleasant color and give more modernity to the appliances we use so much.

Below we will see some tricks and methods to make them look as good as possible:

1: Baking Soda

As we well know, baking soda is the best ally in the kitchen and for many things, from cleaning the stove to unclogging the sink on the counter.

One recommendation is to take action immediately when we see the yellowish color appearing on the appliances:

  • First, we take a damp sponge and add a little baking soda to the yellowish part.
  • Then we rub where necessary and moisten the sponge again, repeating the procedure, we do it until the yellowness of the kitchen is eliminated.
  • Finally, we wipe with a damp cloth and dry with another kitchen cloth.

If we do not obtain the expected results, we can repeat the procedure or continue with another trick:

2: Glycerin Mixture

This method is used more for dark appliances and that are more complicated to remove the yellowness, simply mix the following ingredients in equal parts:

  • Xanthan gum, glycerin and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Next we mix all the ingredients forming a paste, but before using the preparation we put on gloves to take care of our hands.
  • Another way is to apply the paste directly to the appliance on the yellowish area with a sponge and rub vigorously.
  • Next step, we wipe it with a damp cloth to remove the paste completely and to finish, we wipe it with a very dry cloth.

3: Hydrogen Peroxide

Without a doubt, hydrogen peroxide is very powerful as a solution. In fact, we simply moisten the sponge with hydrogen peroxide (volume 10).

  • It is essential to vigorously rub the yellowish area of ​​the device and let it act for about 20 minutes, then remove the product with a damp cloth or cloth.
  • We finish by drying with a very dry cloth or cloth.

4: Water and Lavandin

This is a very easy and simple trick to do:

  • We just have to immerse a sponge in 1 liter of water with the 100 ml. of well dissolved bleach.
  • Then we go over the appliance with the sponge and rub vigorously.
  • We finish by drying the device with a very dry and clean cloth.

5: Chemical Mixture

This last trick is to eliminate the most difficult to remove yellowish stains, but with 2 combined products we can achieve it:

  • In a container we add 2 teaspoons of some stain removing powder (Vanish type) and 200ml. of 30 volume hydrogen peroxide.
  • Then with a sponge we apply the mixture to the complicated stain and rub gently, letting it act for about 10 minutes.
  • Next step, we remove the product with a clean and dry sponge.
  • Finally, we wipe it with a dry cloth or cloth so that the surface does not deteriorate.