
Relaxing foot massage with coarse sea salt

By Lilia

Home massage with sea salt is an effective method to improve the health of your feet and sleep. 

This article looks at how sea salt massage can help relieve aches and pains, reduce stress and tension, and improve circulation. 

According to Eastern medicine, the feet are a mirror of the body. 

In the soles of our feet there are nerve endings and points responsible for the proper functioning of all organs. 

A few minutes a day using this simple procedure can help eliminate leg pain, reduce tension and stress, improve blood circulation and sleep. 

And the best thing is that this method does not require significant costs.

You don’t need to be a professional or a medical expert to understand that foot massage is essential for each of us in our daily lives. 

This seemingly simple procedure restores, rejuvenates and strengthens the nervous system, relieves stress and improves sleep. 

It can also help with the painful problem of flat feet.

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to visit a physical therapist for regular massages, we have a great alternative for you – a sea salt massage.

This can be done in the comfort of your own home.

The result is felt immediately! 

Here’s what you need to do:

You will need:

coarse sea salt (maybe rice)

essential oil (optional)


Application method

Pour coarse sea salt into your socks and add a few drops of essential oil.

Put on the socks so that the salt is under your feet.

Walk in socks at least 10 minutes before bed. 

You might do some housework or do something you’ve been putting off.

Many of you have heard how beneficial it is to walk barefoot, especially on uneven surfaces: sand, pebbles, stones, grass. 

In the East, such a practice is considered a panacea for many diseases, even chronic ones. 

Indeed, natural foot massage stimulates receptors and improves blood circulation.

City dwellers rarely have the opportunity to walk barefoot except on laminate and tile at home. 

Most likely, you only take off your shoes during rare trips to nature or the sea. 

But sea salt socks will help you massage your feet every day at home.

Adding essential oils to the salt is optional. 

But remember that different oils give different effects. 

Here you can choose what you need: toning or soothing effect.

This technique has an immediate effect. 

Already on the first evening, you will notice how your legs relax after a hard day’s work. 

In addition, the legs will be fresh and rested. 

You may not even spend extra time on it. 

Put coarse sea salt in your socks and go about your evening chores. 

By the time you brush your teeth, face, and get ready for bed, then you can take off your socks.