
Homemade method with a simple onion to get rid of mites in rooms

By Lesia

Allergy to dust mites can be a serious health problem and is one of the most common allergies, but at the same time one of the most difficult to treat. Dust mites thrive in damp, poorly ventilated areas, making them difficult to keep at bay.

But, with a few simple steps, you can take control of your environment and minimize the presence of these bugs. If your children suffer from asthma or allergies, these home methods will be of great help to you. Regular vacuuming, using allergen-proof bedding, and regularly washing bedding and curtains are just some of the ways to reduce the number of dust mites in your home.

Discover a simple and natural tip from an onion to eradicate these annoying bugs from your interior and breathe easy knowing that your house is free of dust mite allergens.

The onion method to get rid of mites

Are you invaded by dust mites? If so, we are here to show you a simple and natural way to get rid of them quickly. All you have to do is place an onion outside on the balcony. Yes, the idea seems crazy, but we’ll explain why it works so well. Onions give off a strong, unpleasant odor that these mites hate. This smell will act as a powerful repellent, as its aroma will diffuse into the air and keep all the red mites away from the area. Thus, thanks to this condiment, you will be able to prevent the proliferation of mites inside the house.

But how should you apply this deterrent? It is best to place the onion on the balcony, making sure it is in an area where it will not be disturbed. Once placed, the onion will begin to emit its unpleasant odor, and the mites will be repelled from the area. It is important to note that you should change the onion every few days to keep it smelling fresh and effective. You can also use several onions if you want to increase the potency of the smell. And that’s it! With this simple and natural trick, you can keep your house free of mites.

It’s important to choose an onion large enough to be seen from a distance, so take your time to select it carefully. First, cut the onion in half to maximize the release of its pungent aroma.

Place the two halves of the onion in a prominent place on the balcony. It is important to choose a place where it is clearly visible and make sure that it is not obscured by other objects. Make sure to change the onion every 2-3 days so that the smell remains as strong as ever.

This will help scare away any unwanted visitors that may be lurking around your home. The pungent smell of onion will also help keep annoying insects away. Not only is it an effective way to control pests, but it is also a natural and economical way to keep your home smelling fresh and clean.