
Detergent makes aluminum shine: my secret to keeping my pans that way

By Lesia

There is nothing more tedious than doing household chores, especially when we hardly have time due to work or study. Furthermore, if we do not clean daily, stains appear everywhere that are difficult to remove and we would have to buy an expensive product (which in many cases, even with that specific product, is difficult to remove).

One of the worst things we can find to clean are pots and pans. This is because it is used daily and is generally always exposed to grease that, if we do not clean it properly, then it takes a long time to completely remove

That is why here we bring you a solution to give a second life to those aluminum pans with these stains or even black scabs. Of course, it takes some time, so I recommend that you be patient when using these methods.

How to remove dirt and thoroughly clean the bottom of pans?

To thoroughly clean the aluminum pot or pan, we only need some products that we can easily find in any supermarket, we just have to get:

  • White Vinegar c/n
  • Dishwashing liquid c/n (concentrated detergent)
  • Baking Soda (1 cup)
  • Warm or hot water


1- To begin with, it is advisable to use a pair of gloves, since the mixture of these products can cause skin irritation.

2- Mix the baking soda with a little water until it forms a somewhat liquid paste.

3- We apply a good amount of this paste to the top of the pan, especially in the blackest parts.

4- We let it act for approximately 30 minutes.

5- After time, we rub with a sponge (with a little pressure on the most affected areas)

With this mixture, the stains must have been removed quite a bit, maybe not, but that’s what the vinegar reinforcement is for:

1- We mix equal parts of vinegar and dishwashing liquid (for example 3 tbsp. of each)

2- We apply it to the pan and wait about 10 minutes.

3- After time, we rub again with a sponge.

Now the stains should be completely eliminated thanks to this thorough cleaning. If some stains or scabs do not come out, you can put a little baking soda and a lot of water. Then we have to put it on low heat until it boils. Once it comes to a boil, we have to wait 10 minutes and turn it off.

Then we have to rinse it with warm water and the pan or pot should be like new. Let’s look at the maintenance and some tips that are needed so that our utensils do not reach this point.


  • When we use the pan to cook, it is important to avoid any type of metal utensil. These damage the surface of the pan and at that point bacteria are generated that leave a stain that is almost impossible to remove.
  • Once they are dry and you want to store them, it is important not to stack them. It is best to leave them hanging or, if possible, in a place where there is some ventilation and they have enough space.
  • It is advisable to wash it every time we use it and only clean it with detergent. We have to avoid the use of bleach at all costs, since this corrosive product can damage the surface of the utensil.
  • Finally, if the detergent is not enough, you can mix it with coarse salt and rub constantly until all the dirt is completely removed, rinse with plenty of warm water.

And with these tips you can keep your aluminum pots and pans looking new for a long time!