
If your basil has flowers on the tips, do not throw them away: they are worth gold if you use them this way

By Lesia

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is one of the most popular herbs in the kitchen, prized for its fresh aroma and versatility in a variety of dishes. However, many gardeners and cooks are surprised to see that, over time, basil begins to flower.

These small white or purple flowers, which appear at the tips of the branches, are more than just signs that the plant is in its final phase of growth. In reality, these flowers have incredible value and can be used in a variety of beneficial ways. 

Why does basil bloom?

Basil flowers as part of its natural life cycle. When growing conditions are favorable, especially during the heat of summer, the plant invests its energy into producing flowers and, eventually, seeds. This process is known as “rising to flower” or “gleaning.” Although some people think this signals the end of producing tasty leaves, in reality, basil flowers have their own benefits and uses.

Basil flowers contain the same essential oils as the leaves, giving them a similar, although milder, flavor and aroma. Additionally, they are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties, making them a healthy addition to many recipes and home remedies.

How to use basil flowers

1. Infusions and Teas

Basil flowers can be used to prepare aromatic infusions and teas. Simply add a handful of fresh or dried flowers to a cup of hot water and let them sit for a few minutes. Not only is this tea delicious, but it can also help relieve stress and promote digestion.

2. Plate Decoration

Basil flowers are perfect for decorating dishes, adding a touch of elegance and flavor to your culinary creations. Use them to garnish salads, soups, pastas and desserts. In addition to beautifying your dishes, flowers provide a delicate flavor that complements well with many ingredients.

3. Infused Oil

You can make oil infused with basil flowers to give a special touch to your recipes. Place the flowers in a bottle of olive oil and let them sit for a few weeks. The resulting oil will have a soft and floral flavor, ideal for dressing salads or as a base for sauces.

4. Basil Butter

Incorporating basil flowers into butter is another delicious way to reap its benefits. Mix chopped flowers with softened butter and a little salt. This flavored butter is perfect for spreading on bread or melting over cooked vegetables.

5. Pesto with Basil Flowers

Adding basil flowers to your pesto gives it an interesting and delicate twist. Mix the flowers with basil leaves, garlic, pine nuts, Parmesan cheese and olive oil to create a unique and aromatic pesto.

6. Home Remedies

Basil flowers can also be used in home remedies. Their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties make them useful in the production of tonics and skin balms. You can make a concentrated infusion and use it as a base for homemade lotions and creams.

Don’t underestimate the value of basil flowers. Although their presence indicates an advanced stage in the plant’s life cycle, these small flowers are packed with flavor and health benefits.

From infusions to culinary decorations and home remedies, basil flowers can be used in many creative and useful ways. The next time you see flowers on your basil plant, don’t throw them away; Take advantage of them