
How to distinguish real rice from plastic? we explain to you

By Lesia

With increasing reports of counterfeits in the food market, it is essential for consumers to have the tools necessary to identify genuine products and protect their health.

In this guide, we will explore practical and effective methods to discern between real rice and plastic fakes. From simple observation techniques to more advanced laboratory tests, we will provide you with key information to help you make informed decisions when purchasing and consuming rice.

Prepare to acquire valuable knowledge that will allow you to ensure the quality and authenticity of your food.

How to distinguish real rice from plastic?

Several people have shared methods to distinguish between an organic grain of rice and one made of plastic. For example, next pay attention to the following as important information: The aroma.

  • One of the initial observations is that when you run rice grains between your fingers, the actual grains have a distinctive smell. Additionally, plastic rice tends to be whiter than genuine rice and emits a strong chemical odor.

On the other hand, when cooking them:

  • When this fake rice is cooked, it emits a burnt smell and its texture once cooked is spongy.

Also, you have to pay attention to the cost of rice:

  • Another red flag is the remarkably low price of this fake rice, depending on its place of origin, since plastic rice is usually very cheap.

We invite you to watch this video for more details about the rice we consume daily, from Gabehash’s channel:

Additional Tips:

Observe the appearance: Real rice tends to have a slightly creamy or yellowish hue, while plastic rice can appear excessively white and uniform in comparison.

Test the smell: When handling rice grains, pay attention to the smell. Real rice usually has a mild, natural aroma, while plastic rice may have a chemical or artificial smell.

Cook a small amount: Cook a small amount of rice as you normally would. If you notice a burning smell during the cooking process, it’s probably fake rice.

Evaluate the texture: After cooking, observe the texture of the rice. Real rice tends to have a firm but tender texture, while plastic rice can become sticky or have an unusually soft consistency.