
Effectively Fight Flies, Mosquitoes and Cockroaches with Home Remedies

By Lesia

Discover natural and effective methods to get rid of household pests such as flies, mosquitoes and cockroaches without resorting to harmful chemicals. This article guides you through several homemade recipes that you can prepare with simple ingredients to protect your home from these annoying intruders.

What is it for

The remedies described in this video are useful for:

  • Eliminate flies: Using a homemade trap that attracts and traps flies efficiently.
  • Repel cockroaches and flies: Through a natural spray that discourages their presence in the home.
  • Control of various pests: With a versatile homemade repellent that can be used against multiple types of insects.

Homemade Fly Trap

  • Five tablespoons sugar
  • A tablespoon of yeast
  • A cup of hot water
  • A plastic bottle cut in half
  1. Mix the sugar and yeast in the cup of hot water until they are completely dissolved.
  2. Pour the solution into the bottom of the cut plastic bottle.
  3. Invert the top of the bottle and place it like a funnel into the part with the mixture.
  4. Locate the trap in areas where flies are problematic.

Natural Repellent against Cockroaches and Flies

  • 15 bay leaves
  • 10 cloves
  • A cup of water
  1. Boil the bay leaves and cloves in a cup of water for 10 minutes.
  2. Let the solution cool and filter it.
  3. Transfer the liquid to a sprayer.
  4. Spray infested areas with the solution.

Multipurpose Homemade Repellent

  • Half a glass of shampoo
  • Half a glass of vegetable oil
  • Half a glass of white vinegar
  1. Mix the shampoo, vegetable oil and vinegar in a bowl.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle.
  3. Apply the repellent in areas where you notice the presence of pests.

Final Tips

  1. Regularity: Reapply repellents every two weeks or after each rain to maintain their effectiveness.
  2. Full Coverage: Be sure to spray all problem areas, including corners, behind furniture, and other hard-to-reach areas where pests can hide.
  3. Prevention: Prevention is crucial. Keep your home clean and eliminate sources of stagnant water to avoid attracting these pests.

Use these homemade methods to not only repel, but also control insect populations in your home naturally and economically. Experiment with these remedies and adjust ingredient amounts as needed for larger areas or more severe infestations.