
Zdravets – an unusual plant. Healing power from your window

By Lilia

Don’t forget to put it in the room. The geranium can do much more than just decorate the apartment.

Many of you have probably come across this fragrant plant on your grandmother’s windowsill or maybe have it at home.

It was once a very popular plant with a pleasant, refreshing aroma. However, it recently disappeared from our windowsills. Pity.

Also known as fragrant geranium. 

It is hard to imagine that such a simple and widespread plant came to us from South Africa in the 19th century.

Depending on the variety, its aroma resembles chocolate, strawberry, citrus or apple. 

It can be recognized by the broad leaves covered with numerous hairs.

Geranium is not particularly demanding in cultivation. 

It likes sun, neutral soil, nitrogen-rich fertilizers to stimulate buds, and phosphorus and potassium before bud formation around April will help produce lush flowers.

It does not require a large pot and it is better to transplant once a year in the spring. 

The new pot should be 1-2 cm larger than the previous one, equipped with a drainage hole and a drainage layer. 

You can use expanded clay, broken brick or ceramics.

Geranium does not like overflow, then its roots quickly rot, mold and powdery mildew appear.

Application in traditional medicine

Fragrant geranium has long been used in folk medicine.

Due to the high content of essential oils, geranium is widely used in soap production, cosmetology and perfumery.

The phytoncides separated from the plant improve the indoor microclimate, remove microbes and freshen the air.

Healing effect

The green part of the plant contains saponins, catechins, alkaloids, anthocyanins and flavonoids – chemical compounds with tanning, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Contains macro- and microelements, vitamins C and K, carotene. 

An important element with antibacterial properties and widely used in perfumery and cosmetology is the aromatic alcohol – geraniol.


The range of application of geranium is very wide. 

It has antiseptic, pain-relieving, diuretic, antiviral, bactericidal, anti-diabetic and blood-stopping properties.

Medicines based on Pelargonium are used to treat laryngitis, otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis.

It well relieves the pain of intercostal neuralgia, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, calcaneal spikes.

Wipe the affected area with a fresh geranium leaf and wrap it to create a heat effect.

It is used in the treatment of the female reproductive system (premenstrual syndrome, ovarian cyst).

In the treatment of lice, it helps with neurasthenia, insomnia, headaches, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

It helps stop bleeding from the stomach, uterus and lungs from the nose, has wound healing properties and is used to treat boils, ulcers, eczema, frostbite and cuts.

Insects don’t like the smell, so it acts as a deterrent.


Like any medicine, preparations based on geranium should be used after consulting a doctor. 

Not recommended for children under 6 and pregnant and lactating women. It can cause allergies and asthma attacks.

Fresh leaves and juice

Fresh leaves help with inflammation and inflammation of the middle ear. 

The leaves should be ground and applied as a compress, or, roll a leaf into a tube and place it inside.

The decoction can be prepared from dry and fresh leaves. Some recipes use roots and flowers.

To prepare the decoction, you need 1 tablespoon of dry leaves and a glass of boiling water. Steam for a minute.

Take a decoction of one tablespoon during meals three times a day.

Geranium leaf tea is recommended for insomnia, neuroses and digestive disorders.

A decoction can be prepared from the root for external use. It is used in otolaryngology, cosmetology and hypertension.

To prepare the decoction, you need one tablespoon of dry root and a glass of boiling water. Stays for 2 hours.

Cold infusion

A cold drink allows you to retain as many nutrients as possible from the leaves and roots. 

For one cup of cold boiled water, finely chop 10 leaves and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Leave for 8 hours.

Relieves inflammation of the eyes, heals skin wounds, relieves inflammation of the mouth and throat.


To prepare an alcohol tincture, you need 3 tablespoons of crushed leaves, 0.5 cups of alcohol. Leave for 7 days at room temperature.

Use 0.5 teaspoon 2 times a day, diluted with a tablespoon of water.

With a diluted solution, the throat and mucous membranes are rinsed, wounds are washed, and it is also used orally before going to bed for insomnia.

Essential oil

The oil is obtained from the aerial part of the plant by steam distillation. The main producers are countries such as Algeria, France, Bulgaria, Tunisia, Spain, Morocco, Italy.

The essential oil has properties:

• antiseptic,

• soothing, soothing

• relieving,

• tonic,

• diuretic,

• vasoconstrictor

• anti-inflammatory,

• bactericidal,

• hemostatic,

• antidiabetic,

• insecticidal,

• medicinal,

• astringent,

• cytophylactic action.

At home, you can use essential oil as aromatherapy. 2-3 drops per aroma lamp are enough.

This will help establish biorhythms, deal with insomnia and lower blood pressure.


The oil has regenerating properties, which makes it indispensable in the care of dull and aging skin.

It is able to reduce mimic wrinkles, improve the oval of the face and retain moisture in the skin.

Helps fight acne.

In its pure form, the oil is not applied to the skin, but is added to base oil, grape seed oil, apricot, peach, almond, jojoba or olive oil. 

4-5 drops of essential oil are added to 10 ml of base oil.


The hydrangea is able to lower the pressure. 

Just knead it in your hands and smell the fresh leaf, you can wrap it in a thin handkerchief and tie it around your neck as a pendant.

You can also use the oil by putting a few drops on a handkerchief tied around your neck or on the pillow you sleep on.


Geranium essential oil helps with migraines and headaches. 

You can add a few drops to an aroma lamp or a scarf that you tie around your neck.

For hemorrhoids

Roll the leaves into tampons and insert them into the anus 1-2 times a day after defecation.

With insomnia

For a good night’s sleep, add a few drops of essential oil or put crushed geranium leaves next to your bed.

With diarrhea

Treatment of prolonged diarrhea is effective with an infusion of the plant.

Pour 0.5 liters of water at room temperature into a jar, add 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves and leave for 8 hours.

Strain the infusion and drink during the day in small portions.

For eczema and dermatitis

A tablespoon of fresh crushed leaves is poured with a glass of hot water and placed in a water bath for 10 minutes. Strain and add hot water to a volume of 200 ml.

Smear the affected areas of the skin with a decoction, apply compresses on them.

For inflammation of the middle ear

For treatment, you will need 5 geranium leaves, 1 tablespoon of camphor spirit and 50 grams of rye or oat flour.

The leaves are crushed, all the ingredients are mixed, the compress is applied to the outer ear.

In case of damage to the adrenal glands

The decoction is drunk on a tablespoon before each meal.

About the nerves

Place the leaves on a plate. Then they are poured with hot water (but not boiling) and steamed for 10 minutes under a lid. After this time, the tincture is ready to drink.

Such tea is recommended primarily for people who experience anxiety or have problems sleeping.

Be healthy!

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