
How to prepare an excellent natural fabric softener for laundry, free from chemical and toxic products

By Lesia

Laundry softeners are very useful products, as they help us preserve the softness of fabrics and give clothes a pleasant smell every time they are washed. It is a widely used product, which is certainly present in our homes.

However, few people know that industrial laundry softeners are loaded with chemicals that can cause reactions on the skin, or even respiratory allergies such as rhinitis. It may seem like a small thing, but think about the amount of hours our clothes are in contact with our skin.

Below we suggest how to prepare a highly effective natural laundry softener , using simple ingredients that are easily available and absolutely harmless to our health.

Ingredients: white vinegar, sea salt, baking soda and essential oil to taste.

Dissolve 200 grams of sodium bicarbonate in half a liter of hot water, gradually adding 250 ml of white vinegar.

Although it may seem strange, vinegar gives your laundry an excellent smell, very different from its original smell. If you want to enrich it, add 5-10 drops of an essential oil of your choice.