
5-step procedure to whiten your pillows (without using vinegar)

By Lesia

If you are looking for a solution to leave your pillows like new, we will give you one of the best tricks that exist to leave them impeccable.

It is true that pillows do not need to be washed frequently unlike what happens with sheets. However, it is recommended to wash them at least 4 times a year, this is important since fungi, mites and various types of bacteria gather there that can considerably harm our health.

If we think about it, pillows are something we use frequently, and our dead cells, perspiration and dust remain on them, thus clearly being an infectious focus.

To wash them we will use ingredients that we usually have in our house, many times we think that there are things that have no solution, however we have discovered how effective certain homemade products can be, to help us in the cleaning and maintenance of our home.

Below we will show you, in 5 steps, the simple procedure we must follow to wash them. Keep in mind that this may vary depending on the materials that make it up .

How to whiten pillows

Now that we understand the importance of washing them, we will see how to whiten pillows without spending more. We will make a homemade product with the following ingredients and quantities:

-25 gr. of grated white or neutral soap
-1 Cup of water
-1 Tbsp. of Baking Soda
3 Tbsp. of Hydrogen peroxide
-1 Lemon


1- We put the water to boil and once it is ready, we remove the pot from the heat and add the grated soap. We mix until it is completely dissolved.

2- Add the tablespoon of Baking Soda and mix again to incorporate well.

3- Add the lemon juice and the tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. We stir well until we have a thick liquid without lumps.

4- Now we put the pillow in the washing machine and add this liquid that we have prepared, replacing the soap that we would normally put on it.

5- We start washing as we normally would. We will be surprised with the result!

If we want to enhance the effectiveness of the wash, it is necessary to let the pillow dry in full sun. This method has always been used to leave white clothes spotless.

Don’t waste time and leave those yellowed pillows looking like they were just purchased, this trick can also be used to whiten any type of garment.