
Eggplant burgers: Tasty, light and rich in iron and magnesium

By liliaturcin5

Eggplant burgers: light and rich in iron and magnesium

In the kitchen it is often difficult to reconcile health and taste, and above all, when there are many in the family, it is really complicated to agree on everyone’s tastes, in the end we always find ourselves cooking the same things.

With a little imagination, on the other hand, we can bring good and healthy dishes to the table, managing to make people eat much more vegetables, even those who, like children, often don’t like them.

This is the case of the aubergine burger.

Properties of eggplants

This vegetable is normally bought more for its taste than for its properties but, in reality, it is a very healthy vegetable, because it is rich in water, has very few calories, helps to reduce sugar and cholesterol in the blood, finally, as if all this were not already enough, with its high vitamin content it increases the immune system.

Finding ways to enjoy it in a healthy way is therefore an excellent idea for health, let’s learn how to make the eggplant burger.

Eggplant burger ingredients

  • 3 large aubergines,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 10 grams of ground ginger,
  • 1 clove of garlic,
  • half a spoonful of cumin,
  • 6 tablespoons of breadcrumbs,
  • sale,
  • baby,
  • olive oil,
  • chopped parsley.


Peel the aubergines with the help of a potato peeler, cut them in half and steam them to soften them a bit, if we don’t have much time we can also put them in the microwave for a few minutes. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, fry the garlic with the ginger in a drizzle of olive oil.

Put the aubergines in a blender, add the garlic, ginger, cumin, salt, pepper and parsley, blend everything until you have a homogeneous mixture, let it rest for at least an hour.

After the time, put the mixture in a bowl and add bread and eggs, mix well with your hands. Let’s be careful with the breadcrumbs, insert it a little at a time, to prevent the hamburger from drying out too much. If, on the other hand, once the whole recommended dose has been added, the dough is still too soft, add a little. Once we have obtained a consistency similar to that of minced meat, we divide into equal parts and give the dough the shape of hamburgers.

Eggplant burgers: Cooking and use

Once we have prepared our aubergine burgers, we can cook them on a griddle, in this case heat it very well before placing them on top and wait until they are well browned on one side before turning them.

Another cooking can be in the oven, about ten minutes at 180° with the oven already hot and they will be ready, finally they can also be fried, but this way they will be heavier and less healthy.

As for their use, we are spoiled for choice, we can put them inside a sandwich with tomato and salad, just like we would with a meat burger, but also serve them with an artichoke cream accompanied by a vegetable side dish cooked, for an all-vegetable dish, the limit will be only our taste and our imagination.

A smart tip is that, if instead of the hamburger shape, we create balls to eat in one bite, and then fry them, they will be a perfect aperitif.

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