
Effective method to clean grease stains on pans. They look like new.

By Lesia

If you want to quickly and effectively clean a pan from old grease, a regular degreaser can be a great help. However, you should use it differently than the instructions indicate.

Applying the product to the surface of the pan will not give the desired result. The degreaser must necessarily contain an alkaline substance.

Before treating it, the pan must be hot. The liquid you spray over the surface of the pan should sizzle and evaporate.

Place the hot pan upside down on a prepared surface and then begin spraying the degreaser onto it. Apply it around, along the edge of the entire pan. It is important to work with gloves and have the window open in the room.

During basting, the old fat will begin to render, but only while the pan is still hot. Doing it after the pan cools will be useless.

Rinse the pan that has started to cool under running water and then dry it thoroughly.

If necessary, place the pan back on the stove and apply the degreaser to the remaining problem areas.