
Tips to make your Moses Manger bloom all year round

By Lesia

1. Choose the right location

The first step to ensuring a flourishing Moses manger year-round is selecting the proper location. These tropical plants thrive in areas with bright but indirect light. Find a place where they receive filtered sunlight and are protected from drafts.

2. Provide adequate watering

Moses’ Manger needs constant watering to stay healthy and bloom all year round. However, it is essential to avoid waterlogging the soil, as this can damage the roots. Be sure to water when the top layer of soil is dry to the touch, but don’t let the plant dry out completely.

3. Control environmental humidity

These tropical plants appreciate high environmental humidity. If you live in a dry climate, consider placing a humidifier near the Moses manger or misting its leaves regularly with water to increase humidity around the plant.

4. Fertilize properly

For optimal flowering throughout the year, it is important to provide additional nutrients to the plant. Use a balanced fertilizer and follow application instructions according to the product label. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this could damage the plant.

5. Perform regular pruning

Regular pruning is essential to keeping a Moses manger looking tidy and promoting healthy growth. Remove wilted or damaged leaves, as well as dead flowers and stems to allow the plant to devote more energy to the formation of new shoots and flowers.[/expand]

Regular pruning is essential to keeping a Moses manger looking tidy and promoting healthy growth. Remove wilted or damaged leaves, as well as dead flowers and stems to allow the plant to devote more energy to the formation of new shoots and flowers.[/expand]