
The most powerful organic supplement for doubling cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers

By Lesia

If you grow   tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers   in your garden, you will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest of fresh, nutritious produce.

However, it is important to give these crops the necessary care and attention to ensure they grow vigorously and abundantly.

To achieve this, industry professionals suggest using a powerful,   all-natural organic supplement  .

This ingredient is essential to a healthy diet and can be found in every conscientious individual’s refrigerator.

If you want to ensure a successful harvest of peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers, you can use an organic fertilizer.

This unique product is rich in   mineral salts and vitamins   , which make it unparalleled in its effectiveness.

Furthermore, it has practical applications in daily diets and is an ingredient that promotes the general well-being of the body.

Experts suggest using this solution   twice a week   to feed crops.

It serves as an exceptional supplement, free of preservatives and chemicals that could potentially contaminate the soil, as well as the vegetables themselves.

The essential component of this recipe is   traditional plain yogurt  . This dairy product is produced through bacterial degradation of milk.

The advantages are not limited to the well-being of the organism, but also extend to the health of the plants. Some beneficial microorganisms require continuous feeding to properly convert nitrogen.

A recent study conducted at   the University of Washington   found that probiotics can effectively improve plant development   by fixing nitrogen in a healthy way   .

The most powerful organic supplement to double the growth of vegetables

To ensure that their plants are well nourished and protected from mold and harmful bacteria, people have begun incorporating yogurt   into their   gardening and vegetable growing practices.

To obtain the supplement, all you need is a jar of yogurt mixed with a liter of water. Make sure the two components are well combined before proceeding.

Once mixed, you have the option of   watering the soil directly   or using a spray canister to   mist the leaves   .

To obtain the best results it is recommended to apply the solution on the leaves daily; however it can also be used   twice a week   to fortify and nourish the soil.

Assisting beneficial bacteria in carrying out their functions is undoubtedly a great approach to improving soil richness and   nitrogen fixation   .

It is a general technique, recommended by horticultural professionals. To use it in the vegetable garden or on plants we recommend that you contact a trusted nurseryman for guidance on a personalized   yogurt-based recipe   .

This ingredient is completely natural and does not cause any harm to crops. It is in fact highly beneficial for nutrition and plays a fundamental role in preventing the formation of mold.

A gastronomic tip

When tomatoes and cucumbers are   combined in a meal   , they can cause a feeling of discomfort and   heaviness in the intestines   .

This is because the two foods require different digestion times, which in turn slows the digestion process and   increases fermentation   .

This can lead to increased gas and intestinal problems, as well as unpleasant bloating which can have a negative impact on your overall well-being.

Although these foods are truly   rich in beneficial properties   , it is not advisable to consume them in combination for this very reason.

It is advisable to consume them separately: tomato, for example, is an excellent source of vitamins B, D and E, and has powerful   antioxidant properties   .

In addition to their diuretic properties, cucumbers are an excellent source of various vitamins,   including C and K   , as well as mineral salts.

To avoid mixing foods with variable digestion times, there are several combinations to avoid during meals.

One of these includes fruit,   a common breakfast food,    often mixed with yogurt and cereal.

Additionally, meat and cheese, as well as milk and bananas, should also be avoided due to their incompatible digestion rates.