
Put aluminum foil in the toilet… and THIS happens!

By Lilia

Using aluminum foil in unconventional applications is often amazing and has surprising benefits. One particularly clever application that may surprise many people is using aluminum foil in the toilet. This simple method can produce amazing results and solve some annoying problems. Let’s take a look at what happens when you put aluminum foil in your toilet!

The advantages of aluminum foil in the toilet:

1. Prevent blockages:

  • Placing aluminum foil in the toilet can help prevent clogs. The smooth surface of the aluminum foil can help waste and toilet paper drain more easily instead of getting stuck in the pipes.

2. Cleaning and freshness:

  • Aluminum foil can help reduce buildup and discoloration in the toilet. It can act as a natural cleaner and give the toilet a fresher look.

3. Environmentally friendly:

  • Compared to some commercial toilet cleaners, using aluminum foil is environmentally friendly. No harsh chemicals are needed and you can use a more sustainable alternative.

How to use aluminum foil in your toilet:

1. Materials:

  • A piece of aluminum foil (approx. 30 cm)
  • A few minutes of your time

2. Application:

  • Tear off a piece of aluminum foil and form it into a ball or flat pad.
  • Place the aluminum foil in the toilet, directly into the drain.

3. Effect:

  • The aluminum foil can help reduce deposits and facilitate water drainage.
  • Leave the aluminum foil in the toilet for a few hours or overnight.

4. Disposal:

  • Flush the toilet as usual. The aluminum foil will dissolve and go down the drain.

Important instructions:

  • The use of aluminium foil may not be suitable for all types of toilets or plumbing systems. It is advisable to check if necessary.
  • This method does not replace regular toilet cleaning and maintenance.


Using aluminum foil in the toilet may seem unusual at first, but many people swear by the positive results. This simple trick can not only improve the function of the toilet, but also provide an environmentally friendly alternative to certain cleaning products. Try it out and experience how something as common as aluminum foil can bring surprising benefits to your bathroom!


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