
A home remedy that solves the problem of hair loss and brittle nails

By Lilia

Solving annoying problems is easier than you think. And the best part is that it’s right under your nose!

Especially during the autumn and winter months, we often face unpleasant symptoms, such as excessive hair loss, brittle nails or more frequent sleep problems.

Most often, we try to solve these problems with nutritional supplements from the pharmacy, which promise a quick and guaranteed effect, for which, of course, you will pay much more. 

But why spend money on artificial products when you can make the most powerful and effective nutritional supplement yourself from simple natural products?

Hair loss, brittle nails and sleep problems can be linked to reduced function of the adrenal glands, which are responsible for producing certain hormones, in addition to a lack of specific vitamins. 

During the winter months and under the influence of certain factors – excessive load, fatigue, illness – their function can be lower than usual. 

However, a simple natural supplement can activate the adrenal glands and replenish the missing nutrients in the fastest and most natural way. 

You will feel the results of this natural treatment after the first week of use. 

In addition, this home remedy will supply the body with many vitamins and nutrients that will strengthen your immunity and typical winter diseases will be far away from you.

Natural food supplement

We need:

3 tablespoons of honey

Three handfuls of walnuts

Dried raisins or dried dates

1-2 teaspoons of dried parsley

2 tablespoons of dry ginger

(you can adjust the ratio of ingredients to your taste)


Mix nuts, parsley, raisins and dates. 

Then add honey and ginger and mix. Place in a resealable glass container and store in a cool, dark place.

Take 2 tablespoons on an empty stomach – 15 minutes before breakfast. 

We use it 2-3 times a week. 

The homemade preparation stimulates the function of the adrenal glands, supplies important vitamins and nutrients that each of us needs in the cold weather.