
If You Want Your Orchid To Bloom Continuously, You Need To Do It Every Morning.

By Lilia

To make the orchid bloom continuously, you can count on very effective natural products: all the details.

Everyone dreams of having tonic and lush plants at home and in their garden, to be able to beautify both the rooms and the exterior of their house.However, to aspire to this goal it is necessary to take care of your plants in great detail, paying attention to positioning, watering, products used and much more.An attention that is also fundamental for orchids, which very often adorn the interiors of homes and enrich gardens, giving them liveliness and color.How to best feed the orchid?What are the most suitable ways to ensure that these plants always grow lush?

  1. Orchid grows strong and thrives with this foolproof method

To make orchids bloom continuously, there is a simple and quick method that will give great satisfaction to anyone who chooses to apply it to their flowers.You will first need to get some rice, which you will place in a salad bowl: 5 tablespoons are enough.The next step is to add 500ml of room temperature water  to the rice.

After having mixed the water well with the rice, you can move on to the next step, which is to sift the water from the rice into another container so that only the liquid substance remains.In fact, not everyone knows that rice water is an excellent natural fertilizer for orchids because  it promotes the flowering  of this wonderful plant.

What to do at this stage?Using the container containing the rice water, you can water the orchids, being very careful to water gently so as not to damage these splendid flowers (you can also do this with a watering can, editor’s note).How often should we apply rice water to our orchids?The advice is to water the splendid plants with this solution  once every 14 days.But with all the leftover rice water?Don’t worry, you don’t have to throw anything away.The remaining water can in fact be frozen, remembering to defrost it when watering the orchids.

  1. Make the orchid bloom: the lemon water method

To guarantee our  orchids  excellent watering, we can also choose another method.After filling the salad bowl with a liter of water, add a teaspoon of lemon juice, pressing gently on the spoon to get the exact measurement.Why lemon?Its juice is exceptional for  preventing mold and fungus,  the orchid can therefore only benefit from it.

Once the solution is well mixed, you can take a small glass and from time to time take a little solution from the salad bowl, applying it to the soil of the orchid (always with the greatest delicacy).Also in this case,  the operation must be repeated once every 14/15 days.The good news is that even orchid leaves can be treated with this special mixture of water and lemon: however, to avoid any risk of damage, it is advisable to pass  the solution over the leaves (front and back) with a little cotton..The operation on the leaves can be carried out once a month.

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