
Spotless white clothes, the secret ingredient revealed: throw them in the washing machine

By Lesia

Do you always want to have impeccably white and stain-free clothes? All you have to do is use a specific ingredient when you put it in the washing machine. Let’s find out what we mean.

Ingredient in the washing machine:
Washing various clothes, tablecloths, towels and many other items may seem like a simple and obvious operation, but it is not at all. Each garment, in fact, will need the appropriate methods to effectively remove stains, dirt and other impurities from its fabric.

There are more delicate garments that should be dry cleaned or washed in the washing machine, but only at low temperatures. Others, however, will withstand higher washing temperatures better. It will also be necessary to carry out several washing cycles depending on the garments to be sanitized.

Several distinctions will need to be made based on color, material, and various other aspects. Inside the drum, the advice we can give is to always place and wash only clothes of the same type in each wash. For example, towels should be washed only with other towels, tablecloths with other tablecloths, and so on.

Regardless of all these issues, however, everyone’s goal will always be to obtain perfectly clean, soft and scented laundry after each wash. To achieve this, it will be necessary to carry out all the steps correctly.

Choosing the right products to use in washing clothes is of fundamental importance. In addition to the classic products, in this article we show you a specific ingredient that will give you great help in removing the most stubborn stains. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Perfectly clean and scented laundry: let’s discover the ingredient to put in the washing machine:
After placing the clothes to be washed in the drum, it will be necessary to open the appliance drawer and insert the various detergent products into the corresponding compartments. It will be important to choose a good detergent for washing clothes. It can be powder or liquid. Regardless of this, you should not make a mistake with the quantities and you should always use a reliable product.

To obtain an even more effective result, many also add fabric softener and bleach to the box. These products help soften the fabric and more effectively remove the various stains present on it.

However, these products contain chemicals and, in the long run, can damage the fabric of different garments after many washes. In addition, they have a significant cost. If you want to avoid the use of chemical products, also saving good money each month, you should know that there are really interesting natural solutions.

Bleach, in fact, could do more damage to more delicate fabrics, such as polyester or blended cotton. To avoid seriously damaging your clothes, you can replace the bleach with the product we show you in the next paragraph.

Are you ready to discover this amazing natural solution? Here is the “magic” ingredient that you should add to the washing machine drawer along with traditional detergent. Let’s find out what it is about.

The ingredient to add to the washing machine to always have white laundry:
Instead of bleach, you can add white wine vinegar to the washing machine drawer. This ingredient used to be often used by our grandmothers in times past to effectively remove stains and perfume all clothes.

White wine vinegar has incredible whitening properties and will be able to effectively sanitize the fabrics of the various garments present in the drum, since it is provided with highly antibacterial substances. However, this product should be used mainly in the presence of white and delicate garments.

It will be ideal for cleaning this type of clothing. All you will have to do is add about half a glass of white wine vinegar along with normal liquid or powder detergent. Then, program the wash cycle and enjoy perfectly white and scented laundry at the end.

In addition to the detergent and white wine vinegar, you can also add a few drops of lemon juice. This element also has whitening and sanitizing properties and will also give a pleasant smell to all your laundry.