
Stop Coughing and Clear Your Lungs Overnight: The Most Effective Home Cough Remedy!

By Lilia

Try this natural cough remedy that you can easily prepare yourself at home from natural ingredients.

Why worry unnecessarily about your cough when you have an effective solution at hand.

Do it as soon as possible, at the first symptoms of a cough.

Follow the recommendation from the Medicinal Herbs YouTube channel .

The experience with this homemade syrup is very good, so do not hesitate to try it.

No more scratchy throat, dry or wet cough.

All unpleasant feelings will quickly disappear and soon you will be in shape!

This syrup also cleanses the lungs and airways. 

Natural remedy with onions

We need:

1/2 kg of onion

200 ml of water

3-4 bay leaves

250 g of honey


Clean the onion and cut it into quarters with the peel because it is also medicinal. 

Place in a saucepan and cover with water. 

Then add the bay leaves and place on the stove.

The bay leaf neutralizes the dominant onion aroma, but this is not the only role of the bay leaf.

Let everything simmer on low for about 1 hour. 

If necessary, add water when it evaporates. 

After the brewing time has expired, the decoction is filtered through a thick strainer. 

When the liquid cools, add 250 g of honey. 

Pour this natural mixture into a glass jar, close with a lid and store in the refrigerator. 

Take 2 tablespoons of this natural syrup 3 times a day. 

Just take it for 3 days or until it runs out.

After the first day, you should feel relief.

Onions are a popular ingredient in homemade syrups due to their antiviral and antibacterial properties. 

Onion juice can help thin mucus and make it easier to cough up. 

Here are some other ways you can use the benefits of onions.

Natural cough mixture

We need:

onion juice



Mix onion juice with honey in a ratio of 1:1. 

Stir well to combine the two ingredients.

Take a spoonful of this syrup several times a day to soothe a cough. 

Onion compress

We need:

onion juice

coconut oil


First, squeeze the juice from the onion and add some coconut oil to it. 

Stir and then rub cheesecloth into this mixture. 

Place on the breast and secure with cling film. 

This can also help relieve a cough.

Steam inhalation

Add a few slices of onion to the boiling water.

Bend over this steam potion, cover yourself with a towel, for example, and inhale the medicinal steam. 

This can help open the airways and make breathing easier. 

The onion fumes will clean the cavities.

It is important to note that although red onion can be beneficial, some people may be sensitive to it.

Irritation may occur due to volatile compounds.

So, if you notice any irritation or allergic reaction, stop using onion.

In case you have a more serious health problem, consult your doctor before using any home remedy. 

It is well known that bay leaf can be useful in relieving coughs.

Thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Here’s how else you can use a bay leaf for these purposes. 

Bay leaf tea

Add a few bay leaves to a cup of boiling water.

Let it brew for about 10-15 minutes. 

Strain and drink this tea.

If necessary, you can add honey or lemon.

Bay leaf steam inhalation

Place a few bay leaves in a pot of boiling water.

Cover your head and inhale the hot steam. 

This can help clear blocked airways and also relieve coughing.

Laurel essential oil is also excellent for inhalation.

Some people also burn bay leaves to disinfect rooms.

If the cough symptoms persist, consult your doctor for further treatment.

Much health!