
A doctor reveals the HEALING EFFECT of activated charcoal

By Lilia

We remember its taste well from childhood, when the doctor prescribed it for diarrhea .

Activated charcoal did not taste particularly good, and it also stained the teeth, but its healing effect was instantaneous, the elderly in our country still remember it.  

However, this 100% natural product is not only suitable for diarrheal diseases.

As the health portal search-2.blogspot.com writes, it has other health benefits.

Useful tips and tried and tested recipes

Beauty care

Activated charcoal is rightly called a super ingredient.

It’s no wonder this substance is taking the body, hair and women’s health care industry by storm.

And that’s not all, it will help your plants too.

Unlike regular charcoal, which is a known carcinogen, activated charcoal is medicinal.

It is a by-product of slow burning wood, peat or coconut shells.

It absorbs thousands of times more hydrophobic toxins and pollutants than it weighs.

Activated charcoal in skin care

Thanks to its strong cleansing and absorbing abilities, activated charcoal acts like a magnet in the skin , pulling out deep-rooted impurities.

It can trap the substances it comes into contact with and therefore acts as an excellent exfoliator and cleanser.

For these reasons, preparations with activated charcoal will help you a lot in the fight against acne .

Due to the fact that activated charcoal has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, it can prevent clogging of pores and the appearance of red pimples and blackheads.

Homemade Activated Charcoal Face Mask Recipe

You will need:

1 capsule of activated carbon

1 tablespoon of water

1 spoon of aloe vera gel

2 drops of essential oil

a pinch of Himalayan or sea salt

Mix all the ingredients and apply evenly on the face. Let it dry and then wash off the mask with water.

For hair

Activated carbon is also an excellent helper if your hair is too oily or you often make it worse with various styling products. It will also help if you suffer from dandruff.

Activated charcoal can also remove excess oil and dirt from the skin and hair. 

Perfectly cleans and soothes the scalp. As a bonus, activated charcoal can add volume to your hair.

There is a wide variety of shampoos and conditioners containing activated charcoal, so you just have to choose.

White teeth and healthy gums

In connection with activated carbon, you should not forget about dental care.

You can get black charcoal toothpaste or tooth powder.

In both cases, activated charcoal will take care of whitening your teeth.

It also helps fight gingivitis, improves the pH in the mouth, so it prevents bad breath as well.

Also removes yellow or gray stains on enamel caused by cigarettes, red wine, coffee or tea.

Activated charcoal against odor and perspiration

Activated charcoal can also remove unwanted or even toxic odors, including body odor.

If smelly feet are bothering you for a change, buy shoe insoles with activated carbon.

It can also eliminate excessive sweating. Various deodorants containing activated charcoal and other personal care products are now available in stores.

It reduces the amount of gas in the body and is beneficial for the kidneys

If you suffer from bloating or even painful cramps, activated charcoal can help.

Just take it before a meal and the pain should subside as well as the production of intestinal gas.

Activated charcoal also flushes out uric acid and other toxins so our kidneys stay healthy.

Food poisoning

The way to prevent the vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and wasted days that will inevitably follow as a result of severe poisoning is to take an activated charcoal pill at the first signs and symptoms.

Charcoal can quickly neutralize poisons.

Prevention of premature aging

Activated charcoal helps in rejuvenation not only because it gives you young skin, shiny hair and white teeth.

Regular consumption of activated charcoal has been shown to remove toxins and wastes that damage the body, destroy cells and accelerate the aging of the body.


If you are taking other medications, suffer from an allergy or chronic illness, consult your doctor about the use of activated charcoal.

How to use activated carbon with plants?

1. Soil quality improves

Adding charcoal directly to the pot reduces the acidity and salinity of the soil, making the soil neutral. 

It absorbs chemicals, excess liquid, heavy metals from the soil and prevents the development of disease-causing microbes.

2. Disinfects injuries

Charcoal is completely harmless and great for disinfecting an injury when pruning plants. This ability allows to prevent the occurrence of rotting and infection of plants without the use of special preparations. 

It is enough to grind a few tablets into powder and sprinkle them on cuts or damage that appeared on the roots, stems or leaves.

3. Rooting of cuttings

Cuttings hold well and root quickly if the powder of 2 tablets of activated carbon is added to the water.

4. Activated carbon to combat fungal diseases on plants

We have already said that charcoal perfectly absorbs moisture and does not allow pathogenic microflora to multiply. 

Therefore, it is also effective in the fight against fungal diseases, but only in the initial phase of their development or as a prophylaxis.

5. Assistant when transplanting plants

Mixing activated carbon with the soil when transplanting the plants will prevent rot and fungal diseases. Again, 2 tablets are enough.

6. Fertilizer

Your green companions will grow and flower better after activated carbon. Break 2 tablets into 4 pieces and place them at a depth of 3 to 4 cm. Plants really like these tablets.

7. Against flies. 

They will disappear in a few days and the plant will flourish like never before

Sometimes midges are found in pots with flowers and seedlings. They like moist, acidic soils. They lay eggs in them, from which larvae hatch, which feed on the roots of plants. 

Activated carbon changes soil pH, removes excess moisture and prevents adults from laying eggs in the soil. Simply crush a few tablets and sprinkle them over the surface of the pot.

Activated charcoal can help you with many health problems and more, so keep it as part of your home medicine cabinet.

I hope you found our tried-and-tested recipes and useful tips useful