
Nettle macerate: the most powerful fertilizer, the best pesticide, how to prepare it and all its uses!

By Lilia

The stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a widespread plant that is often decried as a weed. But beneath its seemingly inconspicuous appearance lies a true miracle cure for gardeners and environmentalists: nettle macerate. This natural preparation is not only a highly effective fertilizer, but also an effective pesticide and has numerous other uses.

Preparation of the nettle macerate:

Making a nettle macerate is simple and requires only a few steps. Here’s how it’s done:


  • Fresh nettles (about 1 kg)
  • A bucket or large container with a lid
  • Water


  1. Nettle collection: Collect fresh nettles. Be sure to wear gloves to avoid skin irritation.
  2. Chopping: Chop the nettles roughly. The smaller the pieces, the more effective the maceration will be.
  3. Soaking: Place the chopped nettles in the bucket and fill it with water until the plants are completely covered. Close the bucket with a lid.
  4. Ferment: Allow the mixture to ferment in a shady place for at least two weeks. During this time, the nettle macerate will form.
  5. Sieve and dilute: After the fermentation period, sieve the macerate to remove solid plant parts. Then dilute the macerate with water in a ratio of 10:1 (ten parts water to one part nettle macerate).

The use of nettle macerate:

  1. Natural fertilizer: The diluted nettle macerate serves as an excellent natural fertilizer for your plants. It is rich in nitrogen, potassium and iron and promotes healthy growth and flowering.
  2. Effective Pesticide: Nettle macerate acts as a natural pesticide and keeps pests like aphids and caterpillars away. Spray your plants regularly to keep these pests at bay.
  3. Strengthener for plants: The macerate helps plants to become more resistant to diseases and environmental stress. It strengthens the plants’ immune system.
  4. Soil improver: The nettle macerate helps to improve soil structure and promote micro-life in the soil.
  5. Compost activator: You can also use the macerate to speed up the composting process in your garden compost.
  6. Animal feed: Nettle macerate is not only useful for plants, but can also be used as a food supplement for animals. It contains valuable nutrients.


  • Nettle macerate can develop a strong odor, so store it in a well-ventilated place.
  • Be sure to use it diluted, as in concentrated form it can be too strong for plants.
  • Always wear gloves when collecting nettles and preparing the macerate to avoid skin irritation.

Nettle macerate is an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way to promote the health of your garden and repel pests naturally. Take advantage of the versatile uses of this amazing natural product and experience the benefits in your own garden. It is a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Try it and watch your plants flourish.