
Treatment of joints with tincture of potato sprouts

By Lilia

But before the pain appeared, there was an inflammatory process, trauma or something else that we did not pay attention to. 

Unfortunately, expensive injections, pills and ointments do not always lead to the desired result. 

Over time, if no treatment is undertaken , the movement becomes absolutely unbearable.

And then we remember the healing power of natural medicines, or in other words, traditional medicine. 

We offer you a simple but effective tincture recipe that no doctor will tell you.

It will be useful for patients with arthritis , arthrosis or coxarthrosis to learn about the rules for using tincture of potato sprouts with vodka or brandy on the joints.

Tincture for joint pain

You will need sprouted potato shoots. 

The more the better. It is good that the shoots are white and healthy. 

You will need to fill a glass jar with them. 

How big should the jar be? Just enough to tightly pack the sprouts you have.After filling the jar tightly with sprouts, pour in the vodka so that it covers the sprouts.

When everything is ready, choose a dark and warm place to store the jar for two weeks.

This tincture is rubbed for joint pain . 

First rub a piece of cotton on the sore spot, then slightly dip the piece in the tincture and make a compress.

Put a woolen cloth on top for warmth. 

Stay with this compress for about 2 hours. 

The procedure is repeated twice a day – morning and evening.

Anyone who tries this wonderful recipe will feel an improvement in up to two weeks. 

The sharp, piercing pain will disappear, you will be able to move more easily, getting up at night will not be painful.

Share this simple and effective joint pain remedy recipe with your friends on social media. 

Don’t deprive them of the opportunity to learn something useful.

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