
How to permanently eliminate cockroaches with baking soda and sugar

By Lilia

Cockroaches are the most disgusting insect that we can get in our home. Furthermore, it is a direct threat to our safety and hygiene. For this reason it is important to know how to permanently eliminate cockroaches in a simple way.

Options to permanently eliminate cockroaches

There are several options that can help us deal with cockroaches, such as:

  1. Traps: One option to eliminate cockroaches is to place traps in the sectors where we notice their presence. For this we must place a series of containers in the places we consider appropriate to place the plants (such as bay leaf, garlic or mint) or use home remedies to scare them away and eliminate them completely.
  2. Insecticide: To permanently eliminate cockroaches you must make the correct choice of insecticide. And we know that this is not an easy choice thanks to the wide repertoire of products that we can get on the market. So it is best to choose those traditional brands for professional use. Also, make sure it is not harmful or toxic to your family and pets.
  3. Baits: As with other pests, baits can be an effective way to get rid of cockroaches. These come in multiple presentations, such as pills, powders or gel, all with the same degree of efficiency. Regardless of which one we choose, it is best to place them in strategic areas of the house such as doors, cracks, drawers and under appliances.
  4. Adhesive traps: Although this option does not completely exterminate them, it is a good option to capture and limit the development of cockroaches in our home. And, like baits, we must place them in key sectors to catch them and get rid of them.

With these options you can be sure that you will permanently eliminate cockroaches once and for all.

Home method to eliminate cockroaches

As in other preparations, baking soda is an ideal compound to keep away any pest, including cockroaches. But for the compound to work we must attract them with something they like, like sugar. These two ingredients together are the perfect weapon to permanently eliminate cockroaches.

So you must consistently mix the baking soda with the sugar and then we will add a few caps of soda so that the compound takes consistency.

This homemade trap will be enough to attract the bugs to be killed by the baking soda. We assure you that this method will be foolproof to permanently eliminate cockroaches.

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