
Cloves in soap: the trick that grandmother taught

By Lilia

Have you ever heard of the trick of putting cloves in bar soap? This advice has been passed down from generation to generation in many families and has endless benefits.

Next, we will tell you how you can apply this simple trick and make the most of its properties.

Check it!


  • Bar soap
  • 20 whole cloves


  1. Choose the right soap : Choose a bar soap of your choice. It can be a neutral soap, glycerin soap or any other that you use regularly.
  2. Insert cloves : Take several cloves and distribute them evenly throughout the bar of soap. Press lightly to insert them into the soap, but without breaking it. You don’t need to use too many, a few will be enough to obtain the desired benefits.
  3. Let it sit : Let the soap with the cloves sit for at least 24 hours. This will allow the essential oils from the clove to integrate with the soap.
  4. Trick location:  Choose a place in your house to place it, it can be the bathroom, kitchen, closets, drawers, etc. Let the good aromas and their antibacterial properties spread throughout the home.
  5. Finally , enjoy the benefits that are achieved by purifying the various environments.

Benefits of Cloves:

Clove is known for its many beneficial properties, such as:

  • Natural antiseptic : Helps disinfect the skin and prevent infections.
  • Aromatherapy : Its characteristic aroma can have relaxing and revitalizing effects.
  • Insect repellent : Acts as a natural insect repellent, keeping them away from your skin.

Helpful tips:

  • Storage : Store the soap with cloves in a dry and cool place so that it maintains its properties for longer.
  • Daily use : You can use this soap daily like any other bar soap. You will notice that, in addition to cleaning your skin, it will leave a pleasant aroma and provide a feeling of freshness.
  • Combinations : If you want to enhance the effects, you can combine the use of this soap with essential oils such as eucalyptus or lavender for an even more complete experience.
  • Original gift : This technique is also an excellent idea for handmade gifts. Wrap the soap decoratively and surprise your friends and family with a useful and aromatic present.

We suggest: Cloves and candles: the mixture that will change your environments


Incorporating cloves into your bar soap is a simple and effective way to take advantage of the properties of this spice. By following these steps and tips, you can enjoy cleaner, protected skin with a pleasant aroma.

Try it and discover for yourself the benefits this ancient trick can offer you!