
Here’s how to store tomatoes and keep them fresh and juicy all winter long

By Lesia

Preserving tomatoes to have them available all winter is possible. In fact, we will see how we can preserve it in different ways. Let’s find out.

Store the tomatoes

Our grandparents always taught us that in their time, when summer came, they prepared various  canned tomatoes.  Usually we used to buy very large quantities of  pachino tomatoes   or similar, sterilize a large quantity of glass jars and prepare a supply of sauce and peeled tomatoes for the whole winter. In fact, there are many who still try to keep this custom alive today, and others who are doing it, given the excessive increase in prices.

Today I’m going to show you how to preserve tomatoes in another way, very simple but which will allow you to have tomatoes available throughout the winter in different formats. These rules that we are going to see can apply to  all types of tomatoes.  Obviously, smaller tomatoes can also be kept whole, but larger tomatoes will necessarily have to be cut.