

By Lesia

Some plants are almost impossible to propagate from cuttings because they have a hard time developing new roots. However, there is a home remedy that will make almost all cuttings root easily. The trick is to use natural honey on the cuttings.

Learn this method from the vstolovke portal and easily multiply your favorite plants at home.

As you may know, flower honey contains biogenic stimulators and phytohormones that are not found in other growth stimulants, especially chemical ones. When rooting cuttings, honey contributes to the rapid formation, active development and growth of the lower roots, as well as disinfecting the cut wound.

In addition, honey is difficult to wash, which prevents pathogens present in the substrate from penetrating the damaged surface.

Preparation of rooting with honey

You will need to:

  • 1 tablespoon of natural honey for every liter of water


Mix honey with water. To make it dissolve faster, you should mix it in a small amount of warm (not hot) water first. Then, add the appropriate amount of cold water.

Cut the cuttings. Dip the cuttings into the prepared honey solution.

Let them soak for 1 to 24 hours. During this time, the cuttings will absorb biologically active substances. Woody cuttings will require more time, while herbaceous and hardy cuttings will need less.

So that the growth stimulant (honey) remains on the cuttings as long as possible, they should not be stuck into the ground. Instead, make a hole in the soil, place the cutting in it, compact the soil around it, and water with water.

This will ensure maximum adhesion.

You don’t need expensive rooting stimulants. This old trick is so effective that even store chemicals can’t match it. Take a look in your garden or in front of your house to see if you have any willows.

The essence of the trick lies in taking advantage of the willow wood for rooting. All you need is 15 to 20 twigs of any variety of willow and a container of water.

How to do it?

Place the cut twigs in the container and fill them with warm water. Leave them in the water for at least 24 hours (48 hours is recommended). Then, remove the twigs and soak the cuttings you want to plant in this solution for a day.

After this time, plant them in the place you have chosen. You can store the natural rooting solution in a cool place or even in the refrigerator for a month without losing its effectiveness.

This technique can do some really amazing things with cuttings. Try it, it’s an old and proven method.

yeast solution

Our ancient fathers already used this yeast solution. It stimulates the plant’s root system development and allows cuttings to root quickly and develop strong roots.

For one liter of water, add 100 grams of yeast and mix. Leave the cuttings in this solution for 24 hours, then rinse them. This is an ancient and proven technique of stimulating plant growth and development of the root system.

Other tricks to multiply anything through cuttings

A strong duo to root for:

What do you need?

Glass cup with planting substrate,
Plastic bag.


The first step is to obtain young, healthy cuttings; You will recognize them by their green color and strong leaves. These cuttings are the most likely to root. If there are many leaves on the cutting, you can thin them.

Now, dip the bottom of the cutting in honey and then in cinnamon. If the cutting is too wide, simply smear the bottom with honey as much as you can.

Place the prepared cutting in the planting substrate in the glass cup.

Water and place the entire glass inside the plastic bag.

Honey and cinnamon eliminate harmful bacteria and protect the roots against diseases, while having a highly stimulating effect. The plastic bag creates an ideal environment for root growth inside.

According to many gardeners, this is the best and most effective rooting method. In 5 to 10 days, the plant should have taken root. Many gardeners use this method, so try it for yourself!

Rooters for cut roses

Did you receive cut roses? Try this simple homemade trick so that they take root and you can enjoy them for months.

If you received a bouquet of roses and they are starting to wilt and lose their beauty, you can try this little home experiment.

If you are successful, the roses on your windowsill will take root and you can later transplant them into the garden alongside other roses.

How to do it?
Take a sharp knife and remove the top of the rose.

Also cut the bottom and remove all the leaves from the stem that you

remained. The cut part should be approximately 20-25 cm long.

To force the cut rose to root, we present 3 of the best home methods to achieve this.

Don’t hesitate to try each one with different cuttings.

Prepare a solution with yeast. Use 100 mg of yeast for every liter of water. Immerse the cuttings in the solution for about 1/3 of their length and let them soak for 1 day.

Then, rinse them with warm water and place them on the windowsill in a container of water, making sure it reaches no more than half way up the cuttings. Leave them in a sunny spot inside the house at room temperature.

Change and refill the water regularly so that it always reaches about half of the cuttings.

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 liter of water. Dip the cuttings into the solution, dipping about 1/3 of the cuttings into it.

Then, place them in a container with water, as in the previous case (it is not necessary to rinse with warm water).

Add 10 drops of fresh aloe vera juice to 1 liter of water. Aloe vera accelerates root growth and strengthens the “immunity” of the cuttings. The water should reach approximately half of the cuttings.

Always refill it so that it does not fall below this level. After 10 days, add another 5-7 drops of aloe vera juice.

When the cuttings develop strong enough roots, simply transplant them into pots with substrate.

When spring arrives, move them outside and transplant them later into the garden along with other roses. Or you can choose to grow them only in pots; the choice is yours!