
How to Plant Strawberries at Home to Have an Endless Supply

By Lesia

Just seeing its pretty color, we can’t wait to eat it! Strawberries are one of the rare fruits that we can grow in the vegetable garden, to the great joy of our dear little cherubs. Children will love watching it grow, and nibbling on it while sitting in the vegetable garden. ad 1 – WHEN TO PLAN THE STRAWBERRY? Strawberry plants are planted from August to October in order to have fruit the following year, and the operation requires taking some precautions: Choose healthy, vigorous and productive mother plants. Remove flowers from spotted plants. Keep 1 to 3 plants per runner. As soon as they have white rootlets, the time has come to plant them. ad Whether it is ever-bearing or non-ever-bearing strawberries, the calendar is identical. If your schedule allows it, do your plantings during a fruit day of the lunar calendar, preferably in the waxing moon, a phase during which the plants are more vigorous, more resistant to diseases and parasites, and the movements of the sap are more intense, which is ideal for good growth. 2 – WHERE TO PLAN THEM IN THE GARDEN? Strawberries are easy to grow in full sun but in the South, they will require partial shade. The soil must be rich, supple and well drained. Loosen the soil to a depth of 30cm and incorporate organic manure in the form of compost to 3 or 4cm. To have beautiful strawberries in heavy soil, raise a small mound 20cm high and 80cm wide to plant two rows. The roots will breathe better. 3 – WATER THE STRAWBERRIES Growing strawberries needs a lot of water, but the fruit will rot if water is stagnant. The soil must be well draining. We then choose regular watering, because potted plants benefit from less water reserve than plants in beds. 4 – MAINTENANCE OF STRAWBERRY BROOMS It is important to remove the stolons  as you go. Stolons are the long stems that take root and use up the resources of your fruit tree unnecessarily. Mulch the base  of the strawberry plants to maintain good humidity throughout the summer. It also prevents the strawberries from touching the ground. Treat in spring against  aphids  and powdery mildew . You can choose a comprehensive treatment against strawberry diseases Avoid the use of chemicals because remember that the strawberries will be eaten Every 4 years, restore vigor to your strawberry plants by layering the strawberry plant 5 – PROTECT YOUR STRAWBERRY PLANT We already told you about it in the article Setting up your organic vegetable garden in a square; To properly cultivate your strawberry plants, bring the right plants together in your vegetable garden! Bring your strawberry plants closer to leeks, lettuce, beans or thyme leaves, which are ideal companion plants. These varieties protect each other against vegetable garden pests and will allow your strawberries to grow peacefully. 6 – HARVEST 4 to 6 weeks after flowering, the strawberry is ready to be harvested (it will have successively gone from green to white, then to red). Wait until it is very red before picking it; if you pick it too early, it will not ripen. Rather than pulling the strawberry to detach it from the plant, cut or pinch the stem just above the fruit to avoid damaging the plant and the fruit itself. It is important to remove all ripe fruit, otherwise it will rot and potentially damage the plant. The harvest could last around three weeks. Fresh fruit will keep for 5 days in the refrigerator or 2 months in the freezer.
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