
Those who have them in the garden need not fear HIGH PRESSURE, varicose veins or allergies

By Lilia

Vine leaves are a very important part of the diet, especially in countries such as Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, France and Italy, as well as in traditional medicine. 

People know very well how useful these leaves are and that they can use them earlier and even long after they have harvested the last fruits. 

Today from the portal search-2.blogspot.com we will tell you about the effects and useful properties of vine leaves.

Vine leaves are a miracle of nature

They contain a large amount of vitamins (A, C, B vitamins) and valuable minerals, especially potassium, fiber, folic acid and many antioxidants.

They have anti-cancer effects, mainly due to a specific combination of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants.

They strengthen immunity and protect against viral and bacterial infections.

They stimulate blood circulation, lower blood pressure and prevent blood vessels from hardening.

Valuable resveratrol is contained not only in fruits but also in leaves, especially valued by ladies because it slows down the aging process.

They cleanse the body of waste substances – they have a strong diuretic effect, and in addition, they act as a mild laxative. 

They help to cleanse the kidneys, intestines and bladder.

They heal veins and are an ointment for sore legs:

Vine Leaves Treat Varicose Veins – Vine leaf poultices are excellent, helping with the problem of tired and sore legs.

Vine leaves have long been used as a natural remedy for constipation and indigestion.

Grape leaves also cleanse the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract.

They are a great addition to meals – they can be eaten when they are young.

Their taste is similar to spinach. The older leaves are used similarly to our cabbage – they can be wrapped in minced meat, rice or used instead of wheat pancakes.

How to use them for different ailments?

In addition to direct consumption in favorite dishes, grape teas are also excellent – from dried leaves, but compresses or infusions are also very popular. 

Compresses are prepared in the same way as cabbages, lightly pounded to break up the vein and applied to varicose veins or painful areas.

A tea made from dried leaves will help with flu and colds. 2 tsp

Regular drinking of grape leaf tea prevents serious diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stimulates bowel activity and protects the liver. 

Be sure to drink this drink at least once a day during flu season and you won’t have to worry about getting sick.

Decoctions of vine leaves also have a beneficial effect on skin diseases – they reduce irritation, swelling, redness and itching. 

The leaves are often added to the bath and thus help fight dermatitis of various origins.

We use a vine leaf poultice for sore knees. 

Put about 30 leaves in 500 ml. water and let it boil for 15 minutes under the lid. 

Dip a cloth in the decoction, put the leaves on it, fold and hold the still hot compress on the knee.

Cover with foil and wrap with a warm towel. Leave the compress overnight and repeat if necessary.

Vine leaves are also excellent for preserves, giving them an excellent flavor and preserving the crispness of the preserves.

When we collect vine leaves for culinary use, the vine massif must not have been sprayed with preparations.

This usually happens in early spring. 

It is also important to choose varieties that have softer leaves, this happens already at the time of picking, the leaves are hard to the touch.    

Young, light green and tender leaves are harvested, which, when cooked, have a very good slightly sour taste.

If possible, the leaves should be larger so that we can prepare nice sarmi from them.

If necessary, 2 sheets are used to wrap one sheet.

Collect a certain number of leaves, put them in a basket so that they do not mate.

Do not use a plastic bag. 

Immediately after picking, the leaves are spread without washing on a dry surface. Well washed and dried tarpaulin.

We take each leaf and arrange in a pile of 10 relatively equal-sized leaves. Roll up and tie with thread. 

We prepare all the leaves in this way. You should get nice, tightly rolled leaves in each roll. 

Place the rolls in a washed and dried glass jar – 5 – 6 – 7 rolls, depending on the size of the jar.

We seal with a cap. We use a jar sealer. 

We can also store the leaves in a disposable bottle, tightly closed and dry.

When opened, the leaves should be used at once, so estimate how many leaves you need for one dish. They are not sterilized.

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