
The trick to stop your dog from peeing inside the house

By Lilia

Training a dog to eliminate outside can be a challenge, but with patience and the right strategies, it can be done.

In this article, we will explore an effective trick to help your dog stop peeing inside the house.

With a consistent approach and understanding of canine behavior, you can teach your pet to use the outdoors for its needs, creating a cleaner and more harmonious environment in your home.

The magical ingredients to stop your dog from peeing inside the house are:

The powerful combination is about the following ingredients:

  1. Clove: The base of our solution, known for its antiseptic properties and intense aroma.
  2. Universal Disinfectant with Lemon Scent: Not only does it clean, but the citrus scent of lemon also keeps pets away from certain areas of the house.
  3. Coconut Detergent: With its softness and pleasant fragrance, it complements the mixture by adding an additional layer of aroma that pets usually avoid.

Step by step: how to prepare the solution

  1. Prepare clove tea: In 200 ml of hot water, add 10 tablespoons of cloves. Let it sit until it cools to release all the properties and aroma of the clove.
  2. Mix the ingredients: In a container, combine 200 ml of cold clove infusion, 200 ml of lemon-scented universal disinfectant and 100 ml of coconut detergent. Mix well until all components are completely integrated.
  3. Transfer to a spray bottle: Use a funnel to pour the mixture into a clean, empty spray bottle. This will make it easier to apply to the desired areas.

How to use:

  • Application: Spray the solution on areas where your pet usually urinates, such as carpets, corners of sofas or other places you want to protect. The combination of aromas will create an olfactory barrier that will discourage your pet from approaching.
  • Prevention: Use it regularly on places of interest to maintain its effectiveness. It is a preventive solution, so the more constant its use, the better the results will be.

Effectiveness of the homemade method or trick:

As we know, pets, such as dogs and cats, have a more developed sense of smell than humans. Therefore, the intense aroma of cloves, lemon and coconut makes it very powerful and unbearable for pets.

Once they notice these odors, they leave scared and choose other places to relieve themselves.

To conclude, it is undoubtedly an economical and easy to prepare homemade method, also safe because it is not harmful to pets and highly effective.