
How to care for an orchid so that it is immortal

By Lesia

To care for an orchid and keep it healthy and lush, it is essential to pay attention to several key aspects. First, proper watering is crucial . You should water your orchid when the growing medium is dry to the touch, usually every 1-2 weeks. Make sure the pot has good drainage to avoid excess moisture, which could damage the roots.

As for light , orchids prefer bright light but not direct sunlight. Place it in a location with bright indirect light or partial shade. It is also important to maintain the correct temperature. Orchids thrive at daytime temperatures of 18-25°C and slightly cooler nights. Avoid extremes of heat and cold.

Humidity is another vital factor . Orchids prefer a relative humidity of 40-60%. You can increase the humidity with a water tray or humidifier. Mist the leaves occasionally, but avoid letting water collect in the axils of the leaves or flowers.

Fertilization is necessary during the growing season, applying a specific balanced fertilizer for orchids in a diluted form. Repotting the orchid every two years in a slightly larger pot with new growing medium is also essential. Trim spent flowers to encourage the production of new flowers.

Finally, keep an eye on possible pests and diseases and act quickly if you detect them. By following these tips, you can keep your orchid healthy and beautiful for many years. Keep in mind that specific requirements may vary depending on the orchid species, so know the needs of your particular plant.