
How to grow bougainvillea in a pot and make it bloom continuously

By Lesia

Grow bougainvillea in a pot

Bougainvillea is a beautiful plant with colorful flowers that can be grown successfully in a pot, as long as some basic guidelines are followed. Next, I will give you some tips to grow bougainvillea in a pot and enjoy its flowers continuously.

Choice of pot

To grow bougainvillea in a pot, it is important to choose a pot large enough to allow the plant to grow properly. It must have good drainage to prevent the roots from rotting .

Soil and irrigation

The soil for potted bougainvillea should be light and well-drained . You can mix potting soil with sand and perlite to achieve the right texture. It is important to water sparingly, allowing the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings .

Sun exposure

Bougainvilleas need at least six hours of sun a day to bloom profusely. Place the pot in a sunny place protected from the wind.

Pruning and fertilization

Perform light pruning after flowering , in spring, to maintain the plant’s shape and promote new flowering. Additionally, you can fertilize with a balanced fertilizer during spring and summer .

How to make it bloom continuously

To enjoy continuous blooms on your bougainvillea, it is important to remove wilted blooms regularly . This will stimulate the production of new flowers. Also, maintain a good level of humidity in the soil and avoid sudden changes in temperature .


Growing bougainvillea in a pot and achieving constant flowering requires specific care, but the reward of its beautiful flowers will be worth the effort .