
The medicinal herb ROSEMARY is an effective medicine that cures many diseases

By Lilia

If there is an herb that is able to treat a whole range of ailments, it is rosemary. 

Rosemary has proven to be a wonderful ally not only for hair loss, but also for other problems.

Learn more about the healing effects of this amazing herb.

Today, the online portal  has prepared useful tips for you with the assistance of Médico Vegano ‘s YouTube channel.

Rosemary will help you effectively strengthen your health.

It is an herb that has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for headaches, improves memory and concentration.

It helps reduce anxiety and strengthens the state of mind.

In addition, it also benefits digestion as it relieves gas and prevents constipation. 

Rosemary has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

It is also an excellent herb for the elderly, as it helps preserve the functions of neurons and prevents the onset of Alzheimer’s disease . 

Rosemary also plays an important role in liver health .

It helps reduce inflammation and cell damage in this organ and aids in detoxification. 

It also stimulates the production of bile, which is essential for digestion and absorption of important fat-soluble vitamins.

Rosemary is also very important as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases. 

It helps lower blood pressure and contributes to heart health.

With this rare herb, we cannot fail to mention that it is also ideal for digestive problems. 

It helps with reflux, gas and is especially useful for people with chronic digestive disorders. 

This herb is useful for the absorption of important substances in our body.

The effects of rosemary on hair are also undeniable.

It is an indispensable helper for hair loss, and rosemary hair treatments not only prevent hair loss, but also stimulate hair growth. 

Rosemary treatment for healthy hair

Rosemary helps to get rid of dandruff, gives volume and shine to the hair, in addition, this herb has an antibacterial effect.

Therefore, it is a great ally in case of hair loss, giving it shine and a healthy look.

The preparation procedure is very simple. 

Rosemary water with ginger

We need:

500 ml of water

2-3 sprigs of rosemary 

1 teaspoon of baking soda

a small piece of ginger


First, wash the rosemary sprigs in a solution of water and baking soda. 

Then we dry them with paper towels and separate the leaves from the twigs. 

Pour the leaves into boiling water in a pot and boil for 10 minutes. 

Cut the ginger into small pieces and put it in the pot with the rosemary. 

Then you need to leave the decoction covered for half an hour. 

After this time, strain and pour into a spray bottle. 

Always use it after shampooing your hair.

After application, wrap your hair with a towel for 10 minutes and let it work.

Apply along the entire length from roots to ends.

Then rinse with clean water.

Rosemary mask

We need:

50 g of dry rosemary

olive oil


Pour dry rosemary into the glass and cover it with olive oil.

Let it soak for 4 hours and then mix the butter thoroughly.

Then we put it in a cool place for another 12 hours. 

This composition favors hair follicles and improves blood circulation.

After 12 hours, the oil is filtered through a thick strainer. 

You can pour this mixture into any container, preferably a dropper bottle.

Apply 2 to 3 times a week.

Leave on your hair for about 10 minutes and then wash with shampoo.

Another benefit of rosemary is that it helps treat acne.

Rosemary foot bath

Soak your feet in this relaxing bath to restore your emotional balance and energy.

Reduces leg swelling

This bath relieves muscle pain and activates blood circulation. In this way, it reduces the accumulation of fluid that causes swelling and discomfort.

Helps to relax and reduce stress

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s natural for stress levels to be high.

Therefore, the foot bath is an excellent method of relaxation, restoration of energy and maintenance of regulated blood circulation.

Relaxation for the whole body

Our feet have approximately 70,000 nerve endings that are connected to the body’s organs.

Therefore, relaxation affects the general well-being as well as the treatment of pains and injuries in these parts of the body.

There are several ways to prepare a foot bath, as well as several combinations of suitable ingredients that will stimulate all of the above benefits.

Decoction of rosemary and coarse salt

composition :

2 liters of water

6 sprigs of fresh rosemary

5 tablespoons of coarse salt


Let the water boil, pour it into a basin and put rosemary sprigs in it. Let them soak for 10 minutes. 

Then add salt, let it dissolve and when the temperature becomes tolerable, place your feet in the prepared bath. Relax until the water starts to cool.

Warning: Although this bath is very invigorating and pleasant, people with hypertension, cancer patients and pregnant women should avoid it. 

The benefits of rosemary

Rosemary helps restore lost energy, relaxes the body and mind. This herb helps in treating depression , chronic fatigue and emotional problems.

Rosemary contains substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect and help relieve muscle pain , tension, rheumatism , headache , arthritis and osteoarthritis. Stimulates the circulatory system and fights fatigue and sinus inflammation.

We need:

10 sprigs of fresh rosemary

1 liter of water

100 ml of apple cider vinegar

100 g of sea salt


Put the rosemary in a pot and cover with water.

Bring to a boil over low heat and cook for about 20 minutes. 

Pour 3 liters of warm water into a basin.

Add apple cider vinegar. 

Now pour sea salt into the basin. 

Finally, pour the rosemary decoction into the basin. 

Soak your feet in the prepared bath for 30 minutes. 

Collect twigs from the bath and massage your feet with them. 

Then lift your feet and dry them with a towel.

A foot bath with rosemary restores and strengthens the vascular walls.

Rosemary ointment with beeswax

We need:

1 head of garlic

5 sprigs of fresh rosemary

50 g of fresh ginger or 1 tablespoon of dry ground ginger

100 ml of olive oil

30 g of beeswax


Peel the garlic and cut it into cloves.

Place the rosemary leaves in a glass mason jar and then press the garlic into it.

Peel the ginger, grate it and add it to the jar.

Everything is poured with olive oil and mixed well with a wooden spoon.

Cover the bottom of the pot with a kitchen towel, fill it halfway with water and put a cup of the prepared mixture in it. 

Leave the top of the jar open and cook the mixture in this water bath for 30 minutes on low heat. 

We take the beeswax and grate it on a fine grater. 

After 30 minutes, remove the pot from the heat and add the beeswax to the jar. 

Return the pot to the heat and, stirring constantly, let the mixture in the jar boil for another 3 minutes until the wax melts.

Remove from the heat and while the ointment is hot, strain it into a clean glass jar.

Store in refrigerator and heat in hot water or microwave for 5 seconds before each use. 

You can use this ointment to treat varicose veins , blood clots, joint pain, even if you have cracked heels.

After bathing in rosemary decoction, treat your feet with this rosemary salve. 

Massage the ointment into the feet and repeat its application every night for 7-10 days. 

You can achieve really great results. 

Your feet will thank you.

Rosemary oil

All you have to do is tear the rosemary leaves, put them in a sealable jar and cover them with olive oil.

Leave for 3 weeks in a dark and cool place. 

It is important to shake the container daily.

Thanks to this, important substances are released into the oil.

You can use the oil topically on the skin, for acne, but also on the scalp.

Massage with such rosemary oil is also excellent. 

Rosemary tea

We need:

240 ml of water

1-2 teaspoons fresh or dried rosemary


Cover the rosemary with hot water and let it infuse for 5 to 10 minutes.

Then strain and drink 1-2 cups a day. 

What else can rosemary do?

Rejuvenates skin cells

Improves memory

Hydrates the skin

Smoothes wrinkles

Reduces swelling

Activates blood circulation

It gives the skin elasticity and a more beautiful color

Removes pigment spots

Relieves joint pain

Removes inflammation

Helps heal scars

Improves brain health

It benefits the hair

The risks of rosemary

It is generally a safe plant.

However, there are situations where you should be careful when using this herb.

If you are allergic to this herb, avoid it.

Rosemary may also interact with certain medications, such as anticoagulants.

This herb can enhance the effect of some medications, so consult your doctor before taking.

Learn more in the attached video.

Much health!