
You don’t need to scrub or cook anything: The dirt will go away on its own!

By Lesia

If you have white clothes that don’t wash well in the washing machine, we recommend trying the following solution.

The dirt will remove itself! And you won’t have to boil or pre-wash anything. Try this method from the retete-usoare portal and your white clothes will shine clean.

Homemade mixture to whiten white clothes You will need:

  • Boiled water
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon liquid dishwashing soap
  • 1 tablespoon of salt


  1. Pour boiling water into a basin or sink.
  2. Mix the water with baking soda, salt, vinegar, and liquid dish soap.
  3. Soak dirty clothes in the solution.
  4. Let them soak for 2 hours.
  5. During this time, the dirt will remove itself!
  6. Then, simply wring out the clothes and rinse with clean water.
  7. To refresh it, you can also put it in the washing machine on the “quick wash” cycle.

It is a simple and effective trick that will restore whiteness to your clothes.

Dishwasher Tablet Method This cool trick really works wonders!


  1. Rinse dirty socks with clean water first.
  2. Then, pour a liter of hot water into the sink.
  3. Add a dishwasher tablet (always add 1 tablet per 1 liter of water).
  4. Mix the tablet with water using a spoon until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Now, add 2-3 tablespoons of white laundry detergent powder.
  6. Stir.
  7. Soak your socks in this solution.
  8. You will see that the dirt will begin to loosen immediately and the water will darken.
  9. Leave it on for at least 2 hours.
  10. It is better to leave them on overnight.
  11. After this time, put the socks in the washing machine and wash them.

Ready! The socks will be like new!

Method with plastic bag and liver soap It is said that our grandmothers knew this method and maybe today it will help you too.

Take dirty socks, moisten them, lather with liver soap. Put them in a plastic bag, tie it and let it sit overnight. In the morning, put them in the washing machine, wash them and they will be clean as new!

I’ll now translate the text into Italian for you:

If you have worn white clothes that have not been cleaned properly in the washing machine, we will advise you to try the following solution.

I sporco it if rimuove da solo! E non dovrai bollire o prelavare nulla. Try this portal method to retete-use all your clothes to shine brightly and clean.

Miscela casalinga per sbiancare il bianco Avrai bisogno di:

  • Acqua bollita
  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda
  • 2 cucchiai di aceto
  • 1 cup of liquid detergent per i piatti
  • 1 cucchiaio di sale


  1. Use hot water in a sink or sink.
  2. Mix the water with baking soda, salt, vinegar and liquid detergent for the dishes.
  3. Metti i vestiti sporchi nella soluzione.
  4. Lasciali in ammollo per 2 ore.
  5. During this time, I sporco it if it rimuoverà da solo!
  6. Poi, simply strip the clothes and sciacquali with clean water.
  7. To freshen it, you can also put it in the washing machine in the “rapid washing” cycle.

This is a simple and effective trick that will carry the white light to your clothes.

Method with pastiglia per lavastoviglie This fantastic trick works really big!


  1. Sciacqua prima calzini sporchi con acqua pulita.
  2. Successively, pour a liter of hot water into the bleach.
  3. Add one paste per washer (always add 1 paste per 1 liter of water).
  4. Mix the pastiglia with the water using a fine spoon until it is completely scioglie.
  5. Now, add 2-3 cups of detergent in white powder.
  6. Mescola.
  7. Immergi and socks in this solution.
  8. See that the water starts to stagnate immediately and the water becomes dark.
  9. Lascia agire for at least 2 hours.
  10. È meglio lasciarli agire tutta la notte.
  11. Dopo questo tempo, metti i calzini in lavatrice e lavali.

Fatto! I calzini saranno come new!

Method with plastic bag and faithful sapon If you say that our nonne knows this method and forse oggi can aiutarti also to you.

Prendi calzini sporchi, bagnali, create a schiuma con sapone di faithfule. Metti i socks in a plastic bag, legal and lasciallo agire during the night. The mattina, mettili in lavatrice, lavali e saranno puliti come new!