
Recommendations to avoid scorpions in your home

By Lesia

Millions of insects enter our house every year, and one of the most dangerous that exists is the scorpion. Although you may not realize it, scorpions enter our house through the pipes, and if it is not well covered, the insect can enter the interior without problems. Now, what are the recommendations to avoid scorpions?

Suppose it bites you, depending on your age it can do a lot of damage to your health. This also depends on the age of the person affected, both children and the elderly are totally vulnerable to the substance of scorpions.

Therefore, we have to take care of our family and in this article we are going to tell you how to do it appropriately so that these insects do not enter your house and end up in a disaster.

Homemade mixture scares away scorpions or scorpions from the house

This homemade preparation is special to prevent scorpions from entering your home.

For this you will need:

1 orange
a little clove
1 candle


  1. We start by cutting the orange in half and removing the juice from both parts.
  2. In the upper half we make a small hole in the center, and then smaller holes around it and begin to place the cloves.
  3. Place the candle in the lower half, light it and put a lid on top.

Cloves are great for repelling not only scorpions but all types of insects. In turn, the heat of the candle helps to increase the smell of orange mixed with cloves, and this naturally scares away the scorpions.

How to prevent scorpions from entering your house

1-  It is important to use grates  in both the kitchen and bathroom areas. By covering the drains we have a low chance of them entering, since where scorpions enter the most is through the pipes that are connected outside.

2-  Place mosquito nets  on all the windows and doors of your house.

3-  Fix  all cracks in the floor, ceiling and walls.

4-Scorpions try to avoid clean places, therefore  keep your house clean every day. 

5- Periodically get rid of garbage to prevent insects from being attracted, this is a good source of food for scorpions and scorpions.

6- Where do scorpions hide in a house? In all places where there is a crack and humidity, it is a perfect place for the scorpion to be there. As for outside your house, we recommend that you take out everything that could be construction materials, such as bricks, bags of cement, rubble, etc.

7- Our house is a source of food and a large part of why scorpions appear in houses, therefore we have to fumigate the entire home to avoid ants, cockroaches, small insects and crickets.

8- To scare away some common species of scorpions, you should have aromatic plants in your house. It is known that the lavender plant gives off a very strong odor for the insect.

9- If you live in an area where these insects are seen daily, it is convenient to know how to detect scorpions at home. Always before putting on shoes or clothes, it is advisable to shake them a little just in case.

I hope these recommendations to avoid scorpions in your home have been helpful to you. Remember that on our website we have more information about how to scare away cockroaches, rats and more!