
Fig jam – Step by step and very easy

By Lesia

What could be more comforting than a delicious homemade jam to accompany your breakfasts or snacks? If you are a lover of sweets and love to experiment in the kitchen, we invite you to discover a simple and exquisite recipe: fig jam.

With just a few ingredients and a little time, you can prepare this delicacy that will delight your palate and that of your loved ones. Pay attention to the following video made by LA COCINA DE LILA, which will show you how to prepare it:

Below we will tell you in detail how to make this delicious jam. You won’t believe how delicious it is, I’ve never tasted something so delicious before!

How to prepare Fig Jam

To prepare this delicious jam, you will need:


  • 1100g Figs
  • 300g of Sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick


  1. Preparation of the figs: Start by washing the figs well to remove any residual dirt. There is no need to peel them, as the skin will disintegrate during cooking. Once washed, drain them completely and cut the ends. Then, cut them into quarters and place them in a large bowl.
  2. Macera with sugar and lemon: Add the sugar over the figs in the bowl. The amount of sugar should be approximately one third of the weight of the figs. Squeeze the juice of one lemon over the mixture and stir well so that all the figs are coated with the sugar and lemon. Cover the container with plastic wrap and let it marinate for at least 6 hours, or even better, overnight, so that the flavors fully integrate.
  3. Cooking the jam: After the hours of maceration, transfer the figs and the resulting liquid to a large pot. Add a cinnamon stick to flavor the jam and bring the mixture to medium heat. Stir occasionally for about 30 minutes, or until the mixture reduces and thickens.
  4. Checking the doneness: To check if the jam is done, pass a spoon through the mixture and see how it behaves. The jam will be ready when it does not come together again when passing the spoon, which indicates that it has reached the desired consistency.
  5. Packaging and preservation: Once the jam is ready, you can leave it as is if you like fig pieces, or mash it if you prefer a more homogeneous texture. You’ll be almost ready to enjoy it all year round. You just need to sterilize some glass jars, fill them with the still hot jam (to create an airtight seal when closing them) and turn them upside down so that the vacuum is created while they cool.

With these simple steps, you will have prepared an exquisite fig jam, ready to accompany your toasts, yogurts, cheeses or even as an ingredient in desserts. Enjoy this organic delight and share it with your loved ones!