
With this technique, your orchid will grow many buds on one branch.

By Lesia

For all those who  love orchids  and would like to have many at home, there is a method from expert nurserymen that allows it. It is a completely natural procedure, which allows you to have many flowering plants without having to buy them. A cut and a natural ingredient, unique in its kind, to be taught little by little to all those who know each other. This is the  only method taught by all professionals  in the sector, also suitable for those who do not have a green thumb.

Technique for growing new orchid shoots.

The orchid is a refined and elegant plant, with different types of colors and flowers available.  They perfume and beautify the rooms  of the house, giving a distinctive note that surely does not go unnoticed. A gift to keep in mind for every occasion, but also a beautiful plant that you have at home and gives harmony to the rooms. 

Precisely for this reason, expert nurserymen have decided to reveal a little secret for propagation and make the shoots grow directly on the branch with a  small natural method  . To do all this, it will be enough to take some pruning shears and an orchid plant, which has already bloomed at least once. Not only that, you will have to choose a fertilizer that can help in growth.

Ingredients and method from expert nurserymen

Nurserymen   reveal their secret  to obtaining a lush orchid, from the buds that grow from a single branch. It is important that the orchid chosen at the beginning is healthy and has been treated correctly, assuming that only natural nutrients and fertilizers are used. It should also be given plenty of water and placed in  a humid, sunny location.

Not only that,  water should never stagnate  where the roots are specifically to prevent rot. From a healthy plant you can obtain a root capable of germinating indefinitely.

How to proceed?  The first thing you need to do is take a head of garlic that will be used for this particular action. We proceed, after wearing gloves, to cut the branch of the plant perpendicularly. Then what is needed to obtain a  special and natural nutrient is prepared separately  . 

Take the garlic and mince it  completely and then add some water, mixing the ingredients well. The mixture obtained is placed in a cabinet in the dark and left to macerate for a week. Take the cutting, disinfecting the cut and filtering the substance formed by the garlic. The liquid compound is ready for cutting, which will be soaked to absorb  all the ingredients  . Immediately afterwards it is placed inside a vase with soil and soil rich in natural nutrients. Within a few weeks you will notice many new shoots.