
Just one change and clothes dry quickly even in the middle of winter: No need to buy a DRYER!

By Lesia

If you don’t have a dryer, in winter you are forced to hang the washed clothes in certain warm corners of the house, away from humidity and rain.

This is often a problem as clothes take a long time to dry and can smell musty.

In case you need to wash more frequently, you will need more dryers, which takes up unnecessary space.

The Santeplusmag portal suggests how to dry clothes much faster in winter, even without an expensive dryer.

There are several very effective methods to dry clothes faster.

Some tips to dry clothes faster To make drying clothes easier, one of the best options is to use a rarely used function on the washing machine itself.

We are specifically talking about the washing machine’s spin function, which then reduces the drying time of clothes.

Many underestimate this option, and some even avoid it, because they fear that their clothes will come out very wrinkled.

However, if the spin is done at high speed, it will effectively remove excess water from the fabrics and save you time drying.

To limit iron use as much as possible, after removing your clothes from the washing machine, be sure to straighten them as much as possible before hanging them.

In addition to spinning in the washing machine, the best way to dry clothes quickly is to place the clothesline directly in front of the radiator and hang the clothes first on hangers and then on the clothesline.

This improves air circulation, which contributes to faster drying of fabrics.

As a bonus, it will prevent the formation of unpleasant odors caused by moisture buildup between fabrics.