
Mice in the garden, if you spray this liquid they will disappear after a few hours

By Lesia

Here we show you how to prepare an  effective and cheap natural insecticide for mice directly at home  , which will solve your problem. It is a liquid to prepare with the ingredients you already have at home.

Mice in the garden, a typical threat

Mice are the sweetest rodents to some, while to others they are downright annoying   They often invade our gardens and even our homes, prompting us to contact efficient pest control companies. However, when the problem is constant, we have to use other remedies.

Sometimes, in fact, our houses are in contact with the  countryside  or in an area invaded by mice for various reasons and therefore the problem does not seem to be resolved.

And it is precisely at that point when we can no longer turn to companies and manage on our own. You definitely don’t want to get to the point where these creatures  invade  your home, but you do want to avoid this problem.

Here is  a solution   , a truly effective natural insecticide  that will allow you to solve this nuisance. You will have to get some ingredients that you surely already have at home and create a mixture that you will need to prevent the mouse problem.

Natural insecticide for mice, how to prepare it

Not everyone knows it, but it is possible to make a  natural insecticide for mice  right at home, using essential oil. Among the best, that is, among those that are most effective in scaring away mice, are those that contain mint, lemongrass and eucalyptus.

Choose the  essential oil  according to your preferences and perhaps test the product gradually to see which will be most effective. We recommend that you pour a few drops of oil in the corners where you have noticed a greater risk of typography.

A really effective alternative is to dip some  cotton balls  in the essential oil of your choice and place them strategically in the same spots in your house and garden where they nest.

These oils give off  such a strong smell  that it is really annoying for mice, who will not be able to avoid leaving. If you do not have essential oils, you can use a small bottle of vinegar with some chopped spices inside, such as chilli.

Simply break this spice into a  spray bottle  and fill it with vinegar. Mice hate these two ingredients and this combination will prove successful against their sense of smell, which will detect them immediately and drive them away from your home.

Spray this liquid as often as you can  , even a few times a day. This is a great solution, because it is really very cheap and at the same time it is not bad for you or the environment. Forget about buying very expensive insecticides, which can also harm our health, as well as that of our pets.

With the simple liquid that we explain how to create, however, you will immediately get rid of the  problem  , which will no longer occur again, at least for a long time. Seeing is believing!