
Boil some orange peels with cinnamon for an incredible result

By Lilia

Do you want to give a special touch to your home with a delicious and welcoming aroma? In addition, it provides benefits for your own body. Find out and you have to try this amazing recipe!

This simple technique is not only easy to do, but it is also a natural and inexpensive way to scent your home without using artificial chemicals.

From the moment you start warming up the orange peels and cinnamon in the kitchen, you will feel the fresh, citrusy aroma spread throughout every corner of your home, creating a cozy and relaxing atmosphere.

Whether you’re entertaining guests, unwinding after a long day, or just enjoying some quiet time at home, this simple yet effective trick will help you create a cozy and charming environment.

So don’t wait any longer and try this recipe to obtain an incredible result that will delight all your senses. Next:


  • Dried peels of mandarins or oranges
  • Cinnamon (some sticks)
  • c/n of Water
  • Optional sweetener (honey, sugar, Stevia, etc.)


Preparation of Mandarin or Orange Peels:

  1. Make sure the tangerine peels are completely dry. You can do this by letting them dry in the sun or by using a food dehydrator. It is important to avoid moisture to prevent mold growth.

Mixture of Ingredients:

  1. In a teapot or pot, add the dried tangerine peels and cinnamon. The ratio can vary depending on your preferences, but as a guide, you could start with one tablespoon of peels and a few cinnamon sticks for every cup of water.

Water Heating:

  1. Boil the water. The amount of water will depend on how much tea you want to prepare. As a general rule, use one cup (approximately 240 ml) of water for each serving of tea.


  1. Pour the hot water over the tangerine peels and some cinnamon sticks in the teapot or pot. Let the mixture sit for 5 to 10 minutes. This time will allow the ingredients to release their flavors and beneficial compounds into the water.


  1. Strain the infusion to remove the tangerine or orange peels and cinnamon, leaving only the liquid. You can do this using a strainer or a tea bag.

Sweetened (optional):

  1. If you wish, you can sweeten the tea with honey, sugar or any sweetener of your choice. Adjust the amount according to your sweetness preference.


  1. Pour the tea into cups and enjoy. You can garnish with a thin slice of fresh tangerine or orange if you wish.

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